New Sonic 4 Lost Labyrinth Trailer & Preview At IGN

New Sonic 4 Lost Labyrinth Trailer & Preview At IGN


A new trailer for Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 has just been released by IGN. The trailer shows us gameplay footage of the recently revealed Lost Labyrinth Zone and the updates made to the game in action, such as the torch mechanic, faster acceleration and running animation. No solid release date yet (just a change from Late 2010 to Fall 2010), but downloadable games don’t usually get a release date until about two weeks before release.Β  SEGA, in their last Sonic 4 update said we could expect more updates “early September,” and with this new trailer released, we expect they will be speaking more about the game sooner than expected. To accompany the trailer, IGN also posted a preview of the latest build.

Source: IGN:

Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for the heads-up and the YouTube HD upload of the video!

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  1. Considering there’s 2 more zones to be officially revealed, I don’t think we’ll see a release date for a while… *cries*

  2. Wow, I love how the trailer ends with the minecart.
    Goldstein freaking loves this game (after giving Unleashed a 4.5/10), the running animation looks better and I just now want this game.

  3. The game is starting to look awesome, despite what people say otherwise. However, I hope that I have a chance to get and play this game, knowing that my consoles still don’t have Playstation Network, X-Box Live Arcade and WiiWare, yet.

  4. Why does he keep saying “Act 1 or act 2” When he means zone 1 or 2 which have three acts in them? UGH!! (Yea, I get cheesed off easy sometimes. XD)

    Games looking good and going from “Late 2010” to “Fall 2010” sounds like it’s coming sooner than later. I’m gonna take a gamble and say….October.

  5. @sonfan1984: The Goldstein haters wanted to fool with yer minds.

    Running cycle looks nice, but I’m still kinda iffy about the water gravity chambers… Minecart had BEST not involve any of that gravity shit. I’m going to be pissed if it does.

  6. I dont know why i feel sonic wide in some scenes in the trailer, maybe because his running animation, but the trailer is very aowsome! πŸ™‚
    Since the game will be released in fall, i think it will be November, i wish that to give sonic team time to make this game rocks!

  7. Dang it.. I read ” early September ” and got all giddy. Curse you beer!

    E3 withdrawal.. *sigh* this game is going to be great.

  8. Nice. I’m loving the graphics. The animations look good. he balance animation on the boulder looks weird but it’s ok. I liked the animation in the beta also. looks a little difficult though. Damn if this was a whole game instead of breaking it up into episodes, It would break New Super Mario Bros. Wii apart. Just look at how hard this game is! Welcome back sonic. That 10 year vacation was LONG enough!

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