Even More Sonic Colours Artwork

Even More Sonic Colours Artwork

Starlight Carnival’s description:

Carnival attraction of “Egg Planet Park” that looks like a space fleet that has been colored with neons and fireworks. Various space battleships, such as battleships with a constellation motif, meet Sonic in a parade of lights and sounds. Enjoy the feeling of a roller coaster that weaves its way among the parade.

Thanks to Woun for obtaining the Japanese original text and to Core for the translation. /UPDATE END

Even more artwork for both the Wii & DS versions of Sonic Colours has emerged from the official Japanese website for the game, courtesy of SSMB member, Woun. The artwork is from the Starlight Carnival stage seen in recent screenshots of the game. In the artwork you can see various star signs of the Zodiac, aswell as plenty of Eggman’s ships. Could Eggman be planning a gigantic attack on the various planets in the game? The DS map of the stage shows a large ship with Eggman’s face on at the top left, could it be this stages boss?

Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for obtaining this content.

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  1. Hey look! In the first image for the Wii and the second from the right on the bottom row!
    It’s me and my fellow Sagittarii! :3

  2. Eggman isn’t attacking! He took over the whole place along with all of the planets in the game and turned it into a big park, remember?

  3. This is gorgeous.
    I loved Egg fleet in heroes and this looks like a better version of it.
    Every new stage becomes my new favourite one.

  4. Wow, bright!! Someone who suffers from seizures should definately not play this game, I mean just look at it! This is probably THE brightest thing I’ve ever seen in a video game!!! This game really lives up to it’s name. =D

  5. Sega should make a warning near the beginning of the game that Colors MIGHT CAUSE YOU SEIZURES or its not good for people who is SUFFERING FROM SEIZURES

  6. @Ryan

    Oh lawd I hope not. lol

    @The Seizure thing

    I don’t think it’s that bright. I’ve seen brighter in racing games even. Otherwise, I’m pretty sure Sonic in general could give you a seizure being fast and all and moving camera angles all the time. Or at least make people dizzy, which it does. lol

  7. “Egg Planet Park” sounds and looks intresting, I wouldn’t blame Eggman for not bothering with EGGMAN LAND anymore after finally cracking it on Unleashed its gets destroyed, so it seems Eggman taking things differently now, looking forward on this games outcome.

  8. Wow!! It looks so amazing and wonderfully bright! Sega are great when it comes to artwork and visuals.

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