8 New Sonic 4 Casino Street Zone Screenshots

8 New Sonic 4 Casino Street Zone Screenshots

SEGA Japan has updated their official Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 website with eight new screenshots of the new stage revealed yesterday, Casino Street Zone. The screens give us a look at the card flipping bonuses that Sonic can obtain, which include extra lives and rings. Check out the screenshots below and let us know what you think of the Zone so far in the comments.

Source: Official Japanese Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 website

Thanks to HunterTSF at the SSMB for the heads-up!

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  1. It’s getting better and better. This might be the best year for Sonic. Sonic 4, Colors (Wii/DS) and Sonic Free Riders, every single game is better than all of 2009’s Sonic games.

  2. That card road thing is going to look so cool. 😀
    I can’t wait to spend 10 minutes on the slots going for 999 rings again. Was I the only one who tried that?

  3. @Sonic&Tails

    Don’t forget Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing came out this year too. And everyone seemed to love that game too. xD

  4. Dont forget the best summer of sonic ever!
    And maybe the announcment of 20th annivarsary game! (Well… not really announcment! but at least we know there is a 20th annivarsary game!)

  5. Your right I forgot all Released games and they’re all great, all these games makes this year even better.

  6. This is looking like everything I hoped this game would be.. and more. I CAN’T WAIT for this game to come out even more now!

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