Tracy Yardley! Does Sonic Eggs, Part 3

Tracy Yardley! Does Sonic Eggs, Part 3

ECC’s Summer of Yardley continues this week with another page. This page is a perfect example of why Tracy Yardley! is one of my favorite people on the Archie Sonic book: the character interaction. For a single page, a lot is conveyed here, through facial expressions, movement, and stuff happening in the background. Despite Tracy’s simple style, he’s able to put a lot into his pages. He is probably one of the few comic book artists I know of who understand how much plot and story can be conveyed through how the characters act and move, not just what they say.

ThisΒ  page was colored by Kichi, and lettered by the Illustrious Q. Sonic Eggs is an Emerald Coast Comics series.

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Nuckles87 has been an editor at Sonic Stadium since 2007, and has been covering events like E3, PAX, and SDCC since 2010. An avid retro gamer, he runs a monthly stream on Twitch where he explores obscure Sonic oddities, and how aspects of the franchise have evolved over the decades.


  1. WHy do I imagine “Shades” to sound like Link from Faces of Evil?

    Also, love Vanilla’s death glare in panel 4!

  2. Tracy! has yet to disappoint me in any of his artwork. I think the original post says it better than I could. Though if I were to sum it to four words, I would say Tracy’s work is “simple yet very effective.”

  3. Ah finally, some funny.

    Though I’ve gotta admit, I’m very impressed that the guy managed to get Tracy Yardley (one of my favourite Sonic artists BTW) to draw for him.

  4. I can just imagine Shades singing “I am so pretty, so pretty and whitty and briiiiiight.:D”
    now i have to check the rest of these comics out.

  5. This is sooooo much like the Shadow-clone character I made up. o_O

    Funny comic. I love Vanilla. XD

  6. “Shadow” actually looks…. adorable 0_0 (never thought I’d say that, hehe…..)

    Tracey! never manages to dissapoint me πŸ˜€ I love this fan comic.

  7. That is not shadow, I refuse to believe it! xD Im liking this comic so far

    heh, nilly lol

  8. This Shadow– Shades, I mean. He’s so adorable. Definetly hooked on this comic, it’s very creative. I love the improv thrown in to clear up some things, like “we consider our bare hands and feet private” and such. Very creative. Can’t wait for more.

  9. God, this comic is hilarious xD

    And I am definitely liking Shades more then Shadow.

  10. Oh please, not this fan-made pairing junk over and over again. I know a “play-date” is nothing compared to a date, but come on. Cream is only 6 and is far too young for such kinky activity anyway. I know it’s not Tails/Cream, but it still annoying (and unlikely). Hmph.

    Shadow/Rouge on the other hand, now those two had moments with each other, and are more likely to happen in the games and so on then Shadow/Cream anyway.

    I apologize for writing this comment, and I know this is only a fan-comic, but I needed to get my views out before it’s too late.

  11. Shades: “Hi Sonic! Have you met my pink monster?”
    Sonic: O_o *the face is too priceless. Read the comic!*
    Amy: “He means me, you idiot!”

    Shades: “Yay!! I get to sleep with So-”
    Sonic: “Don’t… even… finish… that… sentence!!”

    Lolworthy the the tenth degree!! XD

  12. @vulpine Read the entire comic and know that it’s not a “date” in that kinda sense, but a chance to play games with one another like what normal little kids do.

    Cream asks Sonic to play some games with her but it doesn’t go through.

  13. A play date is very distinctively NOTHING at all like a date. I was arranged “playdates” with my friends all the time when I was a kid. The term is not even hinting at an actual “date”.

  14. As the author, I can assure you there’s nothing romantic going on here. Shade’s memory is mostly erased and so he’s very innocent and childlike in nature. Hence, he becomes best friends with the 2nd sissiest cast member. If you think he’s a wuss now. Wait till you see what’s coming up. XD

  15. O___o……..I wonder what sonic had to do with this? And “shady-poo?” what the? Haha still funny as hell though, good work! XD

  16. @personguy

    Ever since Nuckles87 has been putting my comic on the front page, I’ve seen lots of Avatars out there based off art from my webcomic. Makes me proud.

  17. Jason, you have a lot of talent for writing comics. I don’t know HOW you got Tracy to do this for you, but you two seem to be the perfect comination!

    Words cannot describe how much I’m laughing.

  18. This comic is just hilarious, I love how every page can stand alone as an independent funny, but if you read them all in order, they actually add up into a large appealing story.

  19. @Inferno it cost Nuckles87 a lot of money to commission Tracy to do each page. We got 6 pages of Yardley art done altogether. (Technically 7 because of how long 11 was.) He paid for the art, I paid for two pages of Hunzeker colors.

  20. Oh wow. I love Yardley as much as the next guy, but this page was pretty subpar. I hope Nuckles87 didn’t pay TOO much. lP

    That said, this comic is pretty interesting, certainly a lot more entertaining than the show it was based off of.

  21. 0_o NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    SHADOW’S BEEN RUINED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. @ hook131

    Dude, what the hell? Calm down.

    I’m actually starting to get into this comic which I thought I never would as I usually have a distaste for comedy based comics. Still, it successfully parodies the main characters by simple character exaggeration or taking a character’s attribute and warping it to the opposite spectrum.

    Take Shadow turned Shade. He’s no longer a whinny, incomprehensible emo who reads the book of cliche. Epic win.

  23. JasontheJackass: I love this comic! You guys keep up the great work. I can’t wait for more new stuff!

  24. <__>

    @Inyuji Just to let you know, the next page was written months and months ago and was the first page Tracy drew back in May. If it somehow has that scene in it, it’s pure coincidence.

    My lawyers will get in contact with your lawyers. XD

  25. @ProjectZuel jeez I was kidding alright, I like this comic too

    @JasonTheJackass ooh looking forward to it!

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