Rumor: Phantasy Star Online 2 Domain Registered

Rumor: Phantasy Star Online 2 Domain Registered

PSO Dreamcast

According to, it seems some folks have figured out that the domain name of has been registered. While there’s no confirmation as of yet, there have been some rumors going around about a sequel to Sonic Team’s Dreamcast original for quite some time.

Phantasy Star Online will be celebrating its tenth anniversary next year.

[via SEGAbits]

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  1. About me?

    Joking, But this is great news! and a bit of a spoiler! because the next Phantasy Star Portable story will be about PSO events supposedly.

  2. @Jackskellinghog (Great Name btw)

    for Sonic’s birthday once they had statue’s of Sonic, Tails, knux etc.

  3. I love it when Sonic news allows a bit of varience in its themes. Besides, Sonic Team and Phantasy Star go back a long way so I think some PSO news is fine.

    The again I didn’t really like PSO but I still keep it in my games cabient.

  4. Come on, people, we’ve reported plenty of Sonic TEAM related news in the past, including things relating to the Phantasy Star franchise. This is nothing new.

  5. I hope it’s at least for Wii, considering how Ep 1&2 were on GC as well as Ep3 was GC exclusive.

    Wasn’t Ep4 Blue Burst merely a up’d PC port pf Ep1 or something?

    Surely the Nintendo fanbase is the main one for PSO, hell PSZero was on the DS and was a sort of PSO-like game IIRC.

    Let the PSP have Portable and the 360 and whatnot have Universe, but Online has mostly been tied with Nintendo’s consoles. I know that’s ironic as hell because of the GC’s near non-existent online and the Wii’s still limited online, but heh. 😛

  6. I hope the rumor is true and that it comes out on either Wii or PS3. If it comes out on either of those two systems, I’ll become worse then a WoWhead with that game. I love Phantasy Star Online! That game was like crack back on the Dreamcast and Gamecube, I really couldn’t get enough of it. I’m so getting PS: Portable 2 when it comes out on Sept 14th too.

  7. Well, whether this is real or not, we’ve been told to expect something cool for PSO’s 10th Anniversary (Man, does Sega love anniversary’s or what?). So I’m excited either way.

  8. Oh, another thing. The article says the anniversary is next year? It’s actually this December. That’s when PSO first came out in Japan.

    Double posting is sometimes productive.

  9. I hope this is true (for the PS3) since I always wanted to try PS but never had the right console.

  10. I loved PSO.. (mostly) problem free online gaming on Dial – Up compared to the crappy services we’re experiencing on the Wii..
    Downloaded the original PC version just for kicks cus my Dreamcast stopped working..
    If there’s no subscription fee, I’m in 🙂

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