Gnasher’s Tour of Summer of Sonic

Gnasher’s Tour of Summer of Sonic


SSMB member and Summer of Sonic 2010 staffer Gnasher recorded a tour of this years Summer of Sonic.  Now, those of you who couldn’t attend can get a better look at what was there and just how jam-packed full of fans it was. If you attended, see if you can spot yourself.

Gnasher has also recorded an ‘unboxing’ of the contents of the goody bag, aswell as some other things gained at the event:



Thanks to Gnasher for the videos!

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  1. I was an SOS staffer!?!?

    Heh, thanks for doing this Shadz. For those wondering, I did the tour video I knew that not everyone would be able to go and most videos would be of stage stuff, so I wanted to give you a video of what it would be like if you were actually there walking around…. and I wanted a video of the event.

    Hopfully for those who couldn’t make it, you can get an idea of what it was like… also bare in mind it was shot at 4PM, so one of the merch tables had shut, a lot of crush 40 stuff had gone, as had the archie original art. But… the lines for Sonic 4/colours were a lot shorter than they were at say midday.

  2. Wow, thanks for uploading the videos. It looks like there was much fun to be had there. It only makes me want to go that much more next year. 🙂

  3. Nice videos man 🙂
    I wish I got something signed by Johnny and Jun, but I finally got the chance to play the Sonic 4 demo at the same time XD

  4. @ Casanova:
    No probs 😉

    Well, since you staffed the Nevermind The Buzzbombers event I would call you an SoS staffer.

  5. *dances around whilst yelling* YEAH! I’M AND SOS STAFFER! *dances*

    Oh whilst I’m dacing.

    I also shot a ton of video from the staff area (lol going on about staff and yet I spent a lot of time in the staff area) of the Crush 40 performance… however, whilst the video quality is brilliant and the angles are fab (no hands or people in the way), the audio is dreadful.

    If anyone has got a really good quality audio of it and doesn’t mind, could you PM me on SSMB. I could use your audio and put it onto the vid, you’ll get full credit when I edit the thing together. It’s just a shame that this vid could be lost.

  6. Very cool and informative. I didn’t know a lot of that stuff about the artworks..

    Thanks to Gnasher for making the videos and Shadzter for posting it here.

  7. @Marcellof

    Last year, I went to a comic convention and Nigel Dobbyn was there, we had a chat about his work and I got a lot of stuff about the comic I never knew, like why theres strips about dinosaurs and dragons, also why aliens tend to appear quite a lot.

    But then he did a small talk about his lifes work, the STC section was very interesting, lots he touched on a lot of his influences and some of the other artists/writers influences also, combined with the rest of his talk, it really does make the old STC comic a very interesting case study.

  8. That is all so so cool. i really hope I can make it there next year. I love the picture of Knuckles fighting Doctor Zachary. Thanks Gnasher for all these great videos.

  9. Oh my gosh!! The Free Comic Book Day 2008 reprint of Sonic the Hedgehog #1! That’s the only FCBD Sonic comic I’ve missed! And they gave them away at Summer of Sonic?! Now I REALLY wish I was there…

  10. @Needsemail

    You didn’t get a choice in the comic, I assumed everyone had gotten the same one, yet when I got in there I saw people with different ones, looks like archie supplied more than one type of FCBD.

  11. lol yeah I know, only saying that you didn’t get a choice in what you got since they were already in the goody bags, mind you if you really wanted the other one somebody would have probably swapped, but I don’t have either comic so I don’t mind.

  12. @ Casanova:
    Oh, I wasn’t sure if you knew, because of the end part of your post that says “looks like archie supplied more than one type of FCBD.”

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