Gamespot’s Sonic Free Riders Video Preview

Gamespot’s Sonic Free Riders Video Preview


In their latest “On The Spot” show, Gamespot got to interview SEGA’s David Allen about Sonic Free Riders.  David also demoed the game on the show.  Those who have been keeping up to date with the Xbox 360 Kinect title won’t see anything new in terms of the track shown, but we do get a better look at rail grinding and the player interaction required for that technique.

David Allen explains that they have taken the best bits from the previous two Riders games and combined them into this game. When it comes to controls, a lot of detail is given about how interactive the game is, such as its skateboard or snowboard like steering. David, however, is quick to be secretive in response to most of Ricardo Torres’ questions about content, like multiplayer options, modes, other characters, tracks and items. Instead, David assures that the team are trying to get in as much content as possible while rushing to get the game out for its November launch.

You can check out Ricardo’s hands-on preview from the 3rd August at Gamespot’s website.

Thanks to bolt7 at the SSMB for the heads up!

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  1. Oh boy, Sega is one of the better developers for motion controls, and this game just sums up why I dislike Kinect.

    Off topic: Hey Shadz will you post about the announcement Ruby made about Sonic 4?

  2. @ Eggman 123:
    Yeah, I’ll try and get that posted up soon. I’ll likely just get a load of comments on it complaining about announcements of announcements though XD

  3. Does look pretty fun. I imagine this Sonic Riders will have no story and be just the simple racing modes. For a launch title, it so far looks like the only reason I want a Kinect.

  4. Wow the game looks awesome! But there is one part I’m baffled about: Why is Sonic swimming?? And @sonictoast 6th comment!

  5. Oh man, why are they ‘rushing’ another Sonic game? Especially a tentative one such as this?! Motion control takes a lot of work, so why not spend lots of time making sure the core gameplay and mechanics work? At the end of the day that’s what’s going to make or break it. And we all know what happens to Sonic when he’s rushed.
    Tis a shame, oh well, what they’ve got so far looks pretty good. More items’ll be cool, maybe it could be like Mario Kart.

  6. @Wordy

    Thanks for those 2 commonly used phrases back to back. xD

    We don’t know it’s rushed. They could’ve been working in it for a while. Perhaps they’re spending the last of their time trying to polish it up so the controls can be smoother. idk.

    I think it’s true tho. This game can be good or bad. It’s on the borderline. But I’m interested. I would rather wait to get KINECT tho and get more games. I’m a slight bit interested in how the Star Wars thing’s gonna work. Now you can actually be a Jedi. Good for my Star Wars fan brother. xD

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