Summer of Sonic Advance Registration Opens

Summer of Sonic Advance Registration Opens

Those chomping at the bit to attend the Summer of Sonic 2010 convention can now register for an advance ticket from the event’s website. The benefits of doing so include fast-tracking of your entry, and exclusive entry for the first hour of the convention – doormen will only accept valid, printed-off tickets during this time.

Eager con-goers should visit and fill in their details. Once they do that, their registration will be processed and, if successful, a message will be sent out informing them of their unique ID and printable ticket. The Summer of Sonic website notes that entry will be denied for anyone modifying their ticket in any way.

In past years, advance registration has opened much earlier than the launch for the 2010 event. Delays in finalising the Terms and Conditions have meant that potential attendees couldn’t sign up until the terms were completed. The Terms and Conditions are important because every visitor must read and agree to these terms before being allowed entry.

There are many reasons for attending the Summer of Sonic 2010 convention this year – Crush 40, Nigel Dobbyn, Sonic 4, and free goodies are just some of the incentives already-announced, with more to come over the next few days.

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Founder of The Sonic Stadium and creator/co-organiser of the Summer of Sonic convention. Loves talking about Sonic the Hedgehog in his spare time. Likes Sonic Colours a little too much for his own good, apparently.


  1. I’m having trouble with the E-Mail box. I put in the E-Mail address, click Register and it tells me there is an error and I need to input my E-mail again.

  2. It’s a random issue that has only just reared it’s head. Which is bizarre, because it was working when we were testing it! We’ll get it fixed ASAP guys, sit tight!

  3. It’s not letting me register… It says my email isn’t entered (When it clearly is)

  4. I registered 2 other members of my party, but because one is coming from America and the other most likely will not be able to attend, I gave my details for them as well. Is that allowed or should I re do them.

    In terms of my American friend, my details are going to be better for him in case something happens anyway, but just checking.

  5. Um…wow.
    this is indeed super-special-awesome, just as I predicted.

  6. I’m tired of cursing my fate, so I just say this.
    All of you people, who can go there, have a blast.
    I’m already statisfied with seeing how much work is done for a convention for the blue hedgehog.
    (Doesn’t mean I won’t go there in the future)

  7. So if ‘Advanced’ registration opens 3 weeks before the event, when does the normal registration go up on the site? :-S

  8. I just noticed that it’s referenced in the blog list on the site, but that actual main links still say ‘Coming Soon’.

  9. Yaay, I can’t wait πŸ˜€ If only my friends were online, they were really waiting for this.

  10. Been trying to decide for ages whether or not to go. In the end the fiancΓ© convinced me and now we’re registered, cannot wait!

  11. Si: That IS the normal registration, silly. It’s called ‘advance registration’ because you register, in advance. Which you would be doing on the website, whether we called it ‘normal’ or not. πŸ˜‰

  12. I’ve registered. Just me this year as I doubt the friend I went with last year is able to come due to work. Hopefully I’ll be doing some promotional work for STC-O so that should make the event even more interesting, for me at least.

    Though I’ve registered if I wanted to bring a guest could they just register the normal way?

  13. Actually, now that I’ve read the Terms and Conditions once over I’ve noticed:

    “Ticket holders shall not bring into the Venue or display or distribute (whether for free or not) at the Event any sponsorship, promotional or marketing materials.”

    Does this mean I won’t be able to display a painting I was planning to do for the supposed STC-O table? Not for selling but as a display for the table. The STC-O team is, to my knowledge, having a proper table this year (actually can you confirm this) and as a member I want to play my part.

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