Pre-Order Sonic Colors, get a free Sonic scalp hat.

Pre-Order Sonic Colors, get a free Sonic scalp hat.

While not yet having a solid release date, GameStop has started a pre-order bonus for both the Wii and DS versions of the game. This one is a Sonic scalp cap similar to the Scribblenauts one from last year.

Sonic's scalp

Sorry U.K. fans, but you may notice I didn’t use the “U” this time. Yup, this bonus is currently U.S. only.

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  1. I’ve been wanting to get that for months, but it’s 17 dollars. Getting it for free with Colors sounds great.

  2. It’ll be a unique decoration, however. You guys always get gift for local pre-orders, and we outsiders didn’t even complain D=

  3. As far as pre-order gifts go, it’s quite cool. Certainly better than some of the stuff I’ve got in the past for pre-ordering.

    Time to start the petitions to get them to release this in the UK too then, like with the Scribblenauts rooster hat. Except those efforts failed. Miserably.


  4. You know, I’m pretty sure that it’s one of those hats that you shouldn’t wear in public, because it makes you look like a fool!

  5. Okay that just looks stupid,
    but getting it for free doesn’t sound like a bad deal.

  6. oooh that looks cute! haha id probably be one of the weird people who wouldn’t mind wearing that in public

  7. Let’s see, pre-order a game and get a silly looking hat?

    Today’s lesson? Never pre-order Sonic Colors from Gamestop/EB Games.

  8. YES!!!! Oh, sweet! Finally sweet Sonic swag! Haven’t gotten a freebie since those Sonic Chronicles/Mario & Sonic Olympics DS styluses. 😀

  9. A Better Pre-Order Bonus would be a Comic Book adaptation of Sonic Colors’ Opening, with Bonus Coloring Pages, all done by Archie Comics. But, since there’s some issues with the recent issues, it might not happen.

  10. HAHAHAHA!!!!
    I dare one of you to go out in public with that on! (SOS not included)
    I’d rather get one of those creepy wisp plushie than that.

  11. I got one of those hats from FYE as well. It would be nice if the preorder bonus was one of those Wisp plushies from E3 or something of that sort.

  12. @Waarufu

    That’s a great idea! Take a Kirby plush, throw the Sonic hat on him, viola!! Sonic Kriby!

  13. I wonder if there is fans out there wanting to dress up as Sonic man from Sonic 06? That there would complete the outfit no problem XD

  14. Meh. No pre-order for me.

    I’ll take a Robotnik poster of that promotional carnival propaganda over this any day of the week.

    But then again I can run around saying I did scalp Sonic….


  15. It’ll probably be too small to wear as an adult… but since I’m buying the game(s) anyway..

    I know! I’ll put it on one of my Sonic plushies!

  16. that’s the pre-order gift?!
    D: whut… come on gamestop… really?

    I usually buy pre-orders… I don’t think I’ll be getting this one. At least not from Gamestop. Solely because I couldn’t, in good conscious, throw away Sonic merchandise.

  17. It’s one of those “so bad that is awesome” kind of things.

    I can’t help myself but laugh at anyone using that (in a good way).

  18. I wish I could resereve both the Wii and DS versions I mean I loved Sonic Rush and Sonic Unleashed those elements seem epic and in the same concept that way I can get two Sonic Scalps and sell one on Ebay to bad Im broke I’ll just get the Ds version for now.

  19. I went to preorder but they told me that they weren’t giving anything away….

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