Nintendo of America Open Sonic Colours Product Pages

Nintendo of America Open Sonic Colours Product Pages

Nintendo of America have opened their product pages for Sonic Colours(or Colors as it’s called there since it’s American) and interestingly they have the the number of players for both versions down as ‘To be determined’, so could we be seeing a multiplayer mode announced sometime in the future? The pages reaffirm both games will support Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection though they don’t list the features available but folks keeping tabs will know that SEGA revealed a short while back that the games will have online leaderboards. The pages list an Holiday 2010 release for both versions which fits in with SEGA’s Late 2010 date. Everything else available has already been seen but still it’s intriguing to see the no. of players hasn’t been decided which opens speculation as to what kind of multiplayer modes could be being implemented and what characters could appear were the feature added to the games. Let us know your thoughts and ideas in the comments.

Wii product page
DS product page

We’ll keep an eye open for any further details that may appear in the future on both product pages and report back here.

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  1. Bring back the Sonic 2 style 2 player, with the scores at the end.
    Thats how multiplayer is done =P

  2. uhmm this is sorta old,i was on it 2 weeks ago…but some people didnt see it so i guess its always ok to have it on….

  3. I agree with Borcky Christ that any 2 player mode must be racing, Sonic 2 (megadrive) style. However I would like the scoring system to be really custom like. As in you can get rid of scoring options you don’t want such as ‘collect the most rings’.

    Oh, and I completely disagree with TheHumbleFellow. The Secret Rings multiplayer was shallow fun with some truely awful game types.

  4. ProjectZuel: It may be shallow fun, but it’s the only reason I still play that game. There’s nothing more fun than shooting Knuckles straight into a wall with a giant crossbow.

  5. Why don’t they add Tails and make it a co-op game? That would be totally wild and probably add tons to the experience.

  6. i just had an revlation. What if the Wii version is the Sonic Unleashed engien with the Werehog parts gutted (and replaced with the new powers), and the DS version is the Sonic Rush Engen with the new power up’s put in?

  7. DS version will probably have Rush style races wich were awesome.
    To the Wii version however…

  8. Leaderboards just seem to be an excuse for games to include an Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection/Xbox Live label on the box.

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