E3 2010: Sonic Colours Second Opinion

E3 2010: Sonic Colours Second Opinion

As far as the Wii version goes, take what Alex said and slap that on here. I can’t be more excited for this game. It’s like Unleashed 360/PS3 version, but only the daytime stages, improved controls, surreal worlds and new powers. The game is all about fun. No serious overtones in any way. Even the score and grade tally at the end of a level has game play to it! You can jump through the point numbers, your grade letter and even run on top of them. Doing so can lead to extra one-ups before Sonic finally strikes a pose. Ingenious!!

Really the only, and I mean ONLY complaint I have on this game so far, is that the four levels and one boss were actually pretty easy to get through. Whether this was because it was designed more with kids in mind than other Sonic games, or if it’s just the first few levels easing you in remain to be seen.

Outside of that Alex’s views pretty much mirror my own. Instead let’s focus on the DS version.

I played two levels, both based on Sweet Mountain. For those expecting the game to be identical to Rush may find there are some differences. This is more or less a 2-D adaption of the Wii game using Rush’s game style. The controls however, offer some new twists. The speed gauge is there, but you no longer fill it up doing tricks in mid-air, but from attacking enemies and rescuing Wisps. Sonic’s homing attack from Sonic 4 is here. You can home in on springs to shoot through the air. You also have a few new moves, such as a wall jump and a Mario-Style ground pound that’s great for pounding onto Jello and shooting further into the air.

The only Wisp power in the demo was a fireball power that allowed Sonic to do constant mid-air jumps or hold B down for a short burst. It also ignites Jelly Bean rockets to ride and bursts you into new areas. The music itself seems to be once again, inspired by Hideki Naganuma’s music from Sonic Rush 1. The first level sounds very close to “Right There, Right On!” With a loud show floor like E3, I used my headphones to hear the music. Speaking of, we may record the music on our new recorder straight off the DS!! Sega permitting. So stay tuned for that.

With the demo I played, it’s too early to tell if this will be another Sonic Rush, or a lesser Rush Adventure, but it was pretty fun. Also, your love/hate of Sonic 4 may affect your judgment on this game. Both the DS and Wii versions come out this Holiday season. I can’t wait for both of them!!

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  1. Please tell me about the voice acting. Are the DS voices recycled from Rush, or are there any at all? And does the Wii version have a new Sonic voice actor like people have been saying?

  2. Hey Jason, is it perhaps possible to record a bit of the Music from the Speakers of one of the TV´s with the Wii Version? I´m very curious as to how that sounds like. Wonder if that would even remotely work with all that noise in the background to get a bit of music on there that is kinda clear to hear.

  3. Forgot to ask, is the DS Versions music just a “midi remix” version of the Wii versions tracks or is it absolutely entirely different, you mentioned Nakamura, probably the latter, can you confirm that?

  4. I can’t hear much sound from the Wii version because the show floor is so loud. I did hear some of Sweet Mountains music during the Iizuka interview and it was really nice. The DS version sounds more like new re-mixes from Sonic Rush than Colors. No Sonic voice on the DS from what I heard.

  5. Today I tried out the boss and the other level. There is some Orchestral music from the Wiie version of colors on the tutorial menus before the game. Also, tried out the boss and it was very much like a Sonic Rush experience. Only with homing attack added. I gotta say, after playing the few levels. The game play itself does have a better quality than Sonic Rush Adventure levels. Still undecided if it’s better than Sonic Rush.

    Sorry, but it was a no go to get directly recorded music.

  6. “Today I tried out the boss and the other level. There is some Orchestral music from the Wiie version of colors on the tutorial menus before the game. Also, tried out the boss and it was very much like a Sonic Rush experience. Only with homing attack added. I gotta say, after playing the few levels. The game play itself does have a better quality than Sonic Rush Adventure levels. Still undecided if it’s better than Sonic Rush.”

    Interesting! Also if you didn’t know, Sonic Rush and Sonic Rush Adventure always had Homing Attack, you just press the R button to do it while in mid-air.

  7. @ JasontheJackass

    Sounds awesome, for some reason I always thought that Sonic Rush Adventure was a better title than Rush though, so if it’s better quality than that it’ll be an amazing game in my book.

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