New & Old Sonic Colours Wii Screenshots

New & Old Sonic Colours Wii Screenshots

SEGA have today released the above batch of screenshots for the Wii version of Sonic Colours, some of them you may recognise while others you may not. In them we see more of Sweet Mountain Zone and Tropical Resort Zone which were showcased in playable form at E3 and so there’s not much to see here that we haven’t already seen. Like all other SEGA screenshot releases we expect there will be a DS version batch around so we’ll keep an eye out and post back here if we find anything.

Nintendo Everything

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  1. @ DAMN: Read the article –
    “SEGA have released the above batch of screenshots for the Wii version of Sonic Colours, some of them you may recognise while others you may not.”

    I never said they were ALL new. These were just released today by SEGA, some are old and some are new. Some of them haven’t been seen out of magazines in hi-res form.

    I’ve edited the title now to make it more clear for people like you who can’t be bothered to read the article, happy now?

  2. @Shadzter no i didnt mean the magazines these screenshots were released weeks ago in the japanese site just to inform you

  3. @ DAMN:
    Well I just saw these posted up today around sites like ONM, CVG and Nintendo Everything then didn’t recognise some so thought some were new. Maybe SEGA Europe have just released them for the European territories today and I’m sure most people don’t follow Japanese websites. I appreciate being informed but if you’re going to inform me then don’t just spout “OLD!”

  4. @Shadzter nah i usually dont do that just wanted to try it how it feels to be like a troll/spam and i think i got this info from tssznews last week or so too but i knew it arleady before they did lol

  5. Having Sonic Colors withdrawal from E3 🙁
    That hasn’t happened since I got to play Sonic Adventure early 🙁

  6. @supesonicboom

    that was awesome dude!!! where did you learn to do stopmotions so well? I gotta know!!!

  7. Wow, the graphics are stunning! Sega know how to make a Wii game look awesome! 😀

    I also love those Hawaiian flowers on the wall in the 4th pic!

  8. This game looks even better every time i see it 🙂 I like how this game uses the Animations and character design from the 360/PS3 version of Sonic Unleashed, even down to his jump animation 🙂

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