Sonic 4 Interview In Latest Nintendo Power & Game Informer

Sonic 4 Interview In Latest Nintendo Power & Game Informer

More info from the same NeoGAF member

Some more info…

While Sonic 4 will have shields, Episode 1 will only include the one hit shield. Just enough to help get your rings to the end of the stage.

Izuka says the reason they went episodic is that the game is too big to smaller hard drives (Wii and iPhone likely?) to fit in all at once and he didn’t see players paying $60 for a 2-D Sonic game on disc. (Hellllooo. New Super Mario Bros Wii anyone?!!)

Thanks to Dusk the Biohazard Keeper at the SSMB for the heads up.

UPDATE 2: Game Informer screenshots confirm the reports at NeoGAF and also reveal tunnels from the classic series are back thanks to JasonTheJackass for sending us the screenshots.
UPDATE: We’ve got word in that Game Informer magazine also have a Sonic 4 interview with Takashi Iizuka according to a member at NeoGAF who claims to have a copy –

Game Informer interviewed Izuka who gave some new info on the game. Highlights include..

What about Tails and Knuckles you ask? “Fans will be very pleased with the cast in episode 2.”

Episode 1 is a prologue.

Moves include: Spin Dash, Rolling Attack, homing attack and a new move yet unknown.

About homing attack: “I wanted the user to enjoy an easy-to-play feeling by the attack sequence that this [homing attack] allows, and find the fun routes in the air.”

Classic special stages make a return.

Hornet Badnik. (Forget his name. Not Buzzbomber) Shown in screen shots.

Other screenshot shows Sonic smash though a wall that becomes a bunch of checkered bricks.

Another screenshot shows Sonic grabbing a handrail which goes across a wire. (Very Advance)XP

No floaty LBP physics. Classic Sonic Gameplay, classic Sonic speed. Says Izuka.

Not 3-D, but all CG pre-render.

Gamers will get classic “try again” ending if not successful at getting all emeralds. If you get all emeralds, you get cliffhanger ending for episode 2.

“If Sonic 4’s return to form (there they go again. ) is the Sonic experience you have been waiting 16 years for, then we strongly encourage you to try this.”

Thanks to Doctor Eggman at the SSMB and JasontheJackass in this articles comments for the heads up.

Original article below –

According to subscribers of Nintendo Power the U.S. official Nintendo magazine the latest issue contains an interview about Sonic 4 but no details further than that have been given as of yet. A scan of the magazine cover supports the fact it does indeed contain something Sonic 4 related. If you have the issue we’d appreciate it if you could send us any new information revealed to and we’ll credit you in this article.

In other news the magazine has reviewed Sonic Classic Collection for DS and given it a score of 7/10.

Source: GoNintendo

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  1. I know it’s slightly off-topic, but I hope if there’s a new Scribblenauts they fix the control scheme…

    Anyway, looking forward to this and…Earthworm Jim? Aren’t the first 2 on VC already? Could it be a new game??

  2. To be honest, I’m more interested in SoulSilver than Sonic 4 right now, XD. Then again, I’m betting Sonic 4 is going to be one of those “not excited until a few weeks before release” things for me.


  3. Hmm… Scribblenauts 2? Heartgold/Soulsilver? [s]Sonic and the Black Knight[/s]? What is this “Sonic 4” you speak of?

  4. Like everyone else is saying, YESS! Scribblenauts 2! You can’t make Cthulhu appear and destroy all of your enemies in Sonic the Hedgehog 4, can you?

  5. I Smell a loop-hole!!! 🙂 Jeremiah Slaczka (Creator of ScribbleNauts) Said ScribbleNauts was their last game to be on the DS… oh well, SCRIBBLENAUTS ROCKS!

  6. Honestly, I’m way, way more interested in Shantae 2 Episode 1 than Sonic 4 Episode 1 right now. I mean, it’s fuckin’ Shantae, damnit! Who hasn’t waited their ass off for this for the last eight years?

    I know it’s been twice that long since the last proper 2D console platformer for Sonic, but Shantae’s way less appreciated, and I have been stalking GoNintendo like crazy for Shantae 2 news rather than Sonic 4. Let’s hope March ends later than sooner, because I want this DSiWare game to come out NOW. Screw Sonic 4.

    I know I’m off-topic here, but…I don’t care. Hello?! It’s Shantae! Remember her back in 2002 in the Game Boy Color’s heyday? Of course ya don’t – it was 2002! The Game Boy Advance was the shit back then! Poor Shantae…and that was a great game too.

    Besides, what did Sonic do back then to please fans? Apart from portable titles, nothing. (That reminds me…what kind of Sonic-related games came out back in 2002? I’ve been so wrapped up in Shantae that I forgot about Sonic for a while…)

  7. If your all happy for Scribblenauts 2 then why are you on a Sonic site?


    Also I love that one comment, Sonic 4, what we played on the genesis.

    Excuse me but how ignorant are you?

  8. Could NP be giving you the same info that’s in the latest Game Informer?

    Game Informer interviewed Izuka who gave some new info on the game. Highlights include..

    What about Tails and Knuckles you ask? “Fans will be very pleased with the cast in episode 2.”

    Episode 1 is a prologue.

    Moves include: Spin Dash, Rolling Attack, homing attack and a new move yet unknown.

    About homing attack: “I wanted the user to enjoy an easy-to-play feeling by the attack sequence that this [homing attack] allows, and find the fun routes in the air.”

    Classic special stages make a return.

    Hornet Badnik. (Forget his name. Not Buzzbomber) Shown in screen shots.

    Other screenshot shows Sonic smash though a wall that becomes a bunch of checkered bricks.

    Another screenshot shows Sonic grabbing a handrail which goes across a wire. (Very Advance)XP

    No floaty LBP physics. Classic Sonic Gameplay, classic Sonic speed. Says Izuka.

    Not 3-D, but all CG pre-render.

    Gamers will get classic “try again” ending if not successful at getting all emeralds. If you get all emeralds, you get cliffhanger ending for episode 2.

    “If Sonic 4’s return to form (there they go again. ) is the Sonic experience you have been waiting 16 years for, then we strongly encourage you to try this.”

  9. Amen, Donald.

    @Sinister Swiss,

    I have been hearing rumors that EWJ is making his comeback soon with a new game and a movie. I’m still trying to find the last comic book from ’95. Let’s keep our fingers crossed.

  10. “No floaty LBP physics. Classic Sonic Gameplay, classic Sonic speed. Says Izuka.”

    “No floaty LBP physics. Classic Sonic Gameplay, classic Sonic speed. Says Izuka.”

    “No floaty LBP physics. Classic Sonic Gameplay, classic Sonic speed. Says Izuka.”

  11. I hope by classic Sonic speed, they actually mean it, and not LOLOMGSONICRUSH.

    …Which was okay in it’s own right- don’t get me wrong- but it kinda cheapened the level design. You almost completely disregarded it as you were moving too fast to appreciate it.

    As for the character cast in Episode 2~ well, that’s cool. I’ve not had too many issues with a character cast as large as it is now (expect I really wish they’d reuse older ones instead of feeling like they have to create a new one for every game) Tails and Knuckles however, I think I could handle. They’re integral to the story arc in question, either way~!

    More sitting on our hands…

  12. Sorry, let me a bit more clear on the point I was trying to iterate:

    “No floaty LBP physics.”

    “No floaty LBP physics.”

    “No floaty LBP physics.”

    This game will be gold if this is true.

  13. Don’t buy that physics statement for a second. The leaked video proved that the physics are just broken shit.

    Plus, Iizuka, the Kahn of Sonic Team. Insta-fail.

  14. @Kits’Okami: Leaked video is an Alpha-build, not finished. Some games have been absolute crap while in development but the finished production turned out to be great. Example: Demon’s Souls by From Software

  15. @Kits’Okami:


  16. My hunch for the new move is wall jump. Would seem like a cool addition. Or course, it could also be peel-out or something.
    They seem fairly obsessed with not letting us see the full speed running animation…
    And hooray for Tails and Knuckles! So this is just a prologue, huh? Things must get fairly bad if Tails and Knuckles have to appear.

  17. @ Donald

    Because most people have other interests, not just Sonic related.

    Anyway the game is looking good and hopefully now that it’s been mentioned in intervew we won’t have to put up with annoying jump physics.

  18. @ Humble fellow:
    LBP stands for little big planet, a ps3 2d platformer (and more…), which had a unfitting “floaty” physic engine for a jump’n’run.

  19. “Honestly, I’m way, way more interested in Shantae 2 Episode 1 than Sonic 4 Episode 1 right now. I mean, it’s fuckin’ Shantae, damnit! Who hasn’t waited their ass off for this for the last eight years?”

    Ignoring every game past Sonic and Knuckles, we’ve waited double that time for the next (good) game to come out.

  20. @Humblefellow

    In an example relating to sonic, 3D Blast’s running animation was kinda floaty (except for the spinning and jumping animations, those were okay)

  21. I think the only other characters you need in any sonic series including this one, is just tails and knuckles, it fits in my opinion.

    I also have to mention that the people wanting to boycott Sonic 4 infuriate me, i mean come on, we wanted a new 2d sonic game, the graphics look just how they need to be, i admit the running animations are a bit rubbish but no big deal, the music is perfect, the level structures with no cutscenes are classic sonic, the special stages return! Sega if youre reading this keep it up! Cant wait till its released in the summer!

  22. “I wanted the user to enjoy an easy-to-play feeling by the attack sequence that this [homing attack] allows, and find the fun routes in the air.”

    I highly doubt that. The physics had better be spot-on for that to happen.

  23. @Treleus:

    The physics could be like you were on the moon and that would still be easy. Have you played any of the 3D Sonic games? O_o All you do is hit the homing attack button over and over and destroy the neatly-placed line of enemies in the sky until you land on some new ground. No accuracy required.

  24. Also, you can see what I’m talking about in the second screenshot on the page. You can also see that his jumping animation is different from the ugly-ass one we saw in that leaked video. Perhaps they really did change the jumping physics too…

  25. That hand rail looks like it works more like the one from Sonic 3’s Launch Base Zone.

  26. @ Mit :
    i think this is the homing attack, because of thr blur behind sonic.
    but there is a high possibility that you’re right.

  27. I don’t think they’d change the in-air jump animation when he does a homing attack. They usually just add the blue blur to his trail. Also, he looks pretty much the same when he’s rolling on the ground. I think it’s safe to say they changed it from the abomination we saw in that alpha footage.

  28. This is sounding better and better! I’m not here to nitpick about every single little detail of what they have told us about the game, I’m just going to look forward to it regardless. I wonder what the secret move will be?

    Also, why would it have LBP physics?

  29. @Donald

    How Ignorant am I? Better question is how naive are you?

    If wasn’t sure that you where not some depressed fool in his late 20’s wishing of his days of youth (or worse a professional game critic), you would have notice the quotation states “now with…uh…the same things we played in a Genesis.”

    Meaning that game you’ve been waiting 16 years for… it’s gonna play like something made 16 years ago, Meanwhile, 00.3% of The Sonic Fanbase that is actual have functioning rational minds would like to play something from 2010, please? Or at least an old game that most people have not played on everything from the Genesis to the iTouch. Streets of Rage anyone?

    Speaking of rational conversation, I made God ride a Dinosaur and had him fight Chutultu and Satan riding another Dinosaur. God killed Chutultu but then God’s Dino was scared of Satan so then God went up and beat the crap out of them and fed their remains to his steed. And it was AWESOME!! I cannot wait for Scribblenauts 2!!! But I’ll certainly wait till SEGA gets a development team that’ll deliver a quality Sonic game…or a SEGA ALL STARS Fighting Game, whichever comes first.

  30. The point is that this article is not about Scribblenauts. Nor is this entire website.

    On-topic: @BlueChaos, did you happen to see the alpha footage? “LBP physics” is a comparison being made to the physics shown in the video, most likely. Sonic’s jumps were very floaty, reminiscent of PS3’s LittleBigPlanet.

    I’m not sure how so many people have passed that comment up. That’s all people were talking about when that footage leaked. “The jumps are horrible.” “This game is ruined.” It indeed had me pretty bummed as well, but a bit of my faith has been restored due to these comments. I only hope when we see some official released footage that the jumps appear normal.

  31. That’s good news about the jump physics. That was pretty much the only thing that was worrying me about the game.

    So Episode 1 is a prologue, huh? And Tails and Knuckles might be in Episode 2? I have a feeling this game is going to get better and better as each episode is released.

    Also, if you can get all the chaos emeralds in the first episode, then what’s left after that? Are they bringing back Super Emeralds, or will Sonic trip and drop all the emeralds down a storm drain at the end of each ep?

  32. @Mit: Bah, nevermind the first comment. I interpreted “would like to play something from 2010” as “Scribblenauts 2”, although it sounds like you’re actually referring to a newer-style Sonic.

    In which case, LOL. Only .3% of the fanbase want sidescroller Sonic games? You’re delusional. Majority? Maybe not. The majority of the Sonic fanbase these days (atleast the ones that buy the games) are a much younger demographic. However, that’s the people who buy games. There are still tons of people who’d love another old-style Sonic game who have passed on all the recent games because they weren’t fond of them. Amongst those who like the 3D games, plenty of them would like another sidescroller as well. Definitely far more than a fraction of a percent of the fanbase of Sonic games.

    If you don’t care, can’t you refrain from commenting on Sonic 4 articles and wait for the next 3D Sonic game announcement? It’s not like there isn’t going to be another one.

  33. The 2nd screenshot is definitely the Homing Attack. Look closely at the enemy, he’s got a tiny target around him. Regardless this is good news about the physics and the game looks gorgeous, especially the last screens.

  34. Also, anyone know what Badnik’s head that is in the corner of the screen w/the waterfall and the zipline? I fear the return of the Buzzbomber.

  35. honestly, this should restore faith to anyone, haters especially.. did you not notice? the jump animation in the screen shots and role are different from leaked footage! meaning the physics could be different as well. shoot. im thinking…. this is awsome, who knows maybe when we get episode 2 it will allow us to use super sonic through out the levels because they were gotten in the first? or ya lose them at the start. or use them to get the super emeralds. either way i hope super sonic in levels come back eventually…

  36. @ sontino:

    I agree with you, this game is looking a lot better than what was shown in the leaked footage. And yes, Super Sonic has been confirmed to be playable in the normal stages in Episode 1. There’s an achievement for Sonic 4 Ep. 1 called “Golden Flash” that is unlocked when you clear all acts as Super Sonic.

  37. You know, looking at this info has reminded me of the first 3 Sonic games – Sonic playable in the first, introduction of Tails in the second and intro of Knux in the third and third-point-five. (Yes, since Sonic & Knuckles is no longer the TRUE Sonic 4.) For those who don’t exactly know what I meant, I was referring to how the cast will appear in Episode 2.
    And Update 3’s commenting is just classic. NSMBWii, though, was made with 3D graphics for quite a bit of the areas of the game, actually – If I’m correct, all enemies, the overworld map, some objects (especially the Cannons) and the players and NPC mains are all rendered in 3D.
    Plus, Nintendo needed the room for their Super Guide feature. (It may be handy but if you get it, say goodbye to sparkly stars on your save file.)

  38. Super Sonic is unlockable for full play in normal stages?? This is truly a godsend!! 😀 To be honest, I had my doubts about whether or not they were going to do that, but hearing that they are for the first time in donkey’s years has made me a very happy bunny

  39. Will the special stages from Sonic 2 make some kind of return? God I love that hailfpipe…

  40. I’m about to wet myself from laughter. Not fit on a disk…HA Oh this game is still gonna rock.I don’t care if sonic is on a disk or down loadable. I wonder. This oddly sounds like sonic unleashed 2-D flip format and sonic 1 AND sonic advance combined and I approve and even if it wasn’t I still like how the game sounds.I guess Ill play this THEN hunt for the fans that are gonna b*tch about something small.
    *post sign*
    B*tch Hunting Season:Coming Summer 2010 =D
    *grabs bat*

  41. Hold it, episode 1 is a prologue…does that mean we’ll get more than two episodes?

  42. Man, oh man. This game is looking better by the minute. I honestly cannot wait for it to come out.

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