TSS Competition: XBOX 360 Avatar Art…Canvas Scribble A-Go-Go!

TSS Competition: XBOX 360 Avatar Art…Canvas Scribble A-Go-Go!

I appear to be far to slow at posting…I’ve already been beaten to this by Shadzter! No doubt we’ll all looking forward to being able to relentlessly slam Sonic’s car into a wall until he submits and gives us Axel from Streets of Rage as DLC…or something.

I quite like how this is a blank canvas, so here’s what I want you to do…get yer pencils, pens, paper and drawing tablets out and have a good doodle on this for me. Write speach coming out of the mannequin’s mouth. Give it humourous expressions. Graffiti on him. Turn them into Sonic characters. Take your favourite frame and draw/photoshop your avatar in… I don’t mind what skill level you have, or what you do…I’m looking for entries that make me laugh. Make me laugh hard enough, and maybe you’ll be rewarded handsomely with a SEGA prize Europe Sonic the Hedgehog plush for the effort.

You have until next Friday (5th of March 2010) to get your scribbles in. Please send all entries to the usual competition address: tbird [at] sonicstadium.org. This competition is open worldwide (although I’m secretly hoping there’s no one talented in Alaska as I don’t fancy thouse postage costs!). Best entries will be posted up here next week.


Read the original article over on the SEGA Blognik.

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Published by

Adam Tuff

With a decade under his belt, Adam is one of The Sonic Stadium's most seasoned writers, with interests in the music and merchandise of the Sonic the Hedgehog universe. Adam is the co-organiser for the Summer of Sonic convention.


  1. I’m quite tired, I’ve been up all night so I might be the only one who missed this…

    But what exactly do you want us to do? Draw a picture of the Streets of Rage characters raming Sonic off the road?

    If so… We’ll do it!

  2. Ok…so I’ve updated it a bit for those who thought this was too ambiguous, and given you a few example ideas to get you started.

  3. Sorry but even with a exampel I don’t know what the heck I’m supossed to doddle! You must think I’m stupid but I seriosly don’t get anything of that.XD

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