The Best Sonic Backpack in the World

The Best Sonic Backpack in the World

If you didn’t think it was good enough with just Sonic on it, Harry Potter, Obama, tulips, and the number ten are plastered on there for good measure.

[Via UK:r]

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Slingerland is a staff writer and editor for both The Sonic Stadium and Sonic Retro. His area of emphasis is the inner-workings of the games and laughing at everything.


  1. Sonic: What the heck is that thing?!!!
    Eggman: You can’t defeat my wait for it… BACKPACK OF CRUD!!!! BWAHHAHAHAHAH!
    Sonic: Shadow get your gun and ANNIHILATE that backpack!!!

  2. The only way that can be the best Sonic backpack in the world is if there ARE no other Sonic backpacks in the world.

  3. Looking at it again, does anyone else wonder why theres some yellow snot coming out of his nose and one of his spikes is yellow?

    Mind you I for one think it’s a most excellent backpack.

    But if you stare at it long enough…. you can just make out the ghost of Michael Jackson behind the tulips…. look… THERE HE GOES!

  4. Honestly, the OBAMA and Harry Potter seem like they’d be fine to me if it wasn’t for the random colors and “10” on Sonic. Those… confuse me. Maybe it’s just the worst Sonic fancharacter ever

  5. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… I’d post a proper comment but I’m now brain dead.

  6. The shadow under my nose… is yellow. And one of my headspines has been dipped in the same colour paint. And I have a red arm with a yellow glove and yellow arm with a red glove. And somebody branded a 10 on my stomach.

    I’m no artist, but even I know that’s screwed up.

  7. Wow…So THIS is what My brain looks like on the inside…
    …Well, me or Peewee Herman….

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