Sonic 4: SEGA Starts Screwing Around With the “4th Platform”

Sonic 4: SEGA Starts Screwing Around With the “4th Platform”

We told you the day of the Sonic 4 site launch that snooping around revealed the fourth console that the game would be coming to.  While the iPhone was the original find, another image has been found thanks to Sonic Retro member Compsense.  Here was the original image, coupled with the iPhone image:

Here’s the new image that was found:

What is the “N2?” The N2 is an NVIDIA developed arcade platform running on the GeForce graphics card.  Since it’s PC based, N2 games are easily ported to PC.  Only three games in existence have used the N2 platform.

Is Sonic 4 really coming to the N2 or is SEGA screwing with the community for snooping around?  Is the iPhone still the fourth platform?  I don’t even know anymore.  My guess is that this “N2” jive is fake.  I mean, wouldn’t they put a picture in the square for the “reveal” image?  Why is it still locked?

[via Sonic Retro]

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Slingerland is a staff writer and editor for both The Sonic Stadium and Sonic Retro. His area of emphasis is the inner-workings of the games and laughing at everything.


  1. Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games on iPhone pretty much assures me that the fourth platform is indeed the iPhone. I think they’re trying to mess with us.

  2. N2 = Nexus 2? Google finally adds multi-touch support to Android phones? That would be much more awesome news then the game ending up on there

  3. Wait, isn’t N2 played in arcades? (Plus, it’s a Linux-based system, in case you are wondering)
    Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 3, a Mobile Suit Gundam game and Counter-Strike Neo are for that platform, all 3 from the arcade. Is it possible?

  4. To all of you guys guessing what the N2 is: I posted a link to its Wiki page… in the story. Why are you even speculating when I told you what it is? XD

  5. and btw any of you can see the “unlocked” concept art.
    i can’t.
    sega really screws around with us

  6. People here are speculating Wii2 and DS2. Nintendo is about to show “a new hardware” next month. I don’t think it’s for the new Nintendo system, but if, SEGA could just have leaked important Nintendo information. =D

  7. You probably want Sega to make a Genesis Cartridge and Box based on Sonic the Hedgehog 4, complete with a special card with bonus content! I mean, like MegaMan 10 with the NES Cartridge has that CD with the Wallpapers and stuff, Sonic the Hedgehog 4 would come with a special SDHC Card (or Memory Stick PRO Duo, or XBox 360 Memory Unit) that has all the chapters packed in, plus bonus stuff for your PC. Wouldn’t THAT sound good? It would copy MegaMan 9 in more ways than one.

  8. I love it, Sega are well aware of these losers hacking into their material, so hopefully the whole unveiling of the website contains more than 1 piece of false info 🙂

  9. N2.

    N meaning Nintendo, meaning not as aweosme as sega, meaning the n64 was not as aweome as dreamcast, plus 2 = Dreamcast 2. Simple.


  10. So, kinda unrelated, but has anyone else noticed that the concept art timer’s clitched? I’m getting negative one minute (-1:00)

  11. Holy crap, guys, he said what it was in the article, drop it. Hahaha.
    And maybe that part is still locked because the final ‘box’ art will be going there when it’s ready?

  12. READ. READ. READ. It’s not a new Nintendo console, the N-Gage 2, or anything else. It’s the N2, an arcade platform that can be easily ported to PCs. I’ve learned something today…

    @Jix: Losers? What? You’re an ass sometimes, bronik.

  13. We wouldnt have to search thru their files if they would just tell us what the locks are. Its not like they dont have anything finished. why are they locking every last thing?? and why is the lock on the new concept art screwed up??

  14. Given that SaSASR was just announced for PC via steam, I think there is a high chance Sega will increase their cash flow by putting Sonic 4 on PC. It makes a lot of logical sense.

    However, what if it is a nod to the upcoming DS2. The DS2 is contracted to use Nividia’s Tegra 2 chip, so I could see it as a hint that Sonic 4 will also go portable on the new handheld.

    Of course, Nintendo only got the contract for the hardware a few months ago, so they probably don’t have a dev kit for it. Of course, there’s no real way to tell. I’m happy with either platform for a launch, but I’d prefer PC as I’d always have it with steam.

  15. @ Brad : Maybe, but I’m not sad enough to try to illegally obtain information

    @ Lunar : Damn straight!

  16. I think it’s awesome if SEGA is doing this because they know we’re trying to find unreleased content, it kind of turns the tables. Despite the website being so brilliantly designed (having looked at the masses of actionscript), isn’t it a bit odd that they’d do such a horrible job at keeping these kind of things “secret”? One was just an easy to figure out change of file names, while the next was blatantly linked in the xml.

    I wouldn’t say reading the xml entails “hacking” at all (or any variation); in terms of illegality, it’s akin to looking through the css of a website.

    “Sega are well aware of these losers hacking into their material”

    Love ya too =P

  17. Uh… I work for this site. Didn’t know if you noticed that yet.

    Still doesn’t justify you being a turd to everybody. If you’d still like to post comments, I’d recommend you heed what I’m telling you.

  18. @ Jix… illegally obtain? lol. There’s nothing illegal about decompiling a flash animation or guessing a URL to something unprotected. It’s Sega’s fault, like people weren’t going to be curious.

    And you are kind of an ass.

  19. @ Brad : I still don’t know who you’re talking about! Name 2 people I’ve blatantly insulted :O I don’t exactly understand your warnings either.. I haven’t said or done anything.. so stop with the threats!

    @ Daniel : Nice one! You’ve insulted me, so here’s one back : learn your grammar, sentences don’t start with the word “And” (Sorry, that’s all I’m permitted to say apparently)

  20. Man I so hope this game comes to the PC. They have to do it! I would buy it in a heartbeat! My laptop could support the 1080p resolution! XD

  21. Most likely won’t be but.. could also be the upcoming N2 mobile phone (N1 being Nexus one), which comes out around the same time as Sonic 4. Also comes out around the same time as iPhone 4G.

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