Inside Xbox UK Interview Sumo Digital

Inside Xbox UK Interview Sumo Digital

If you live in the UK turn on your Xbox 360 and get it connected to Xbox Live because a new interview has hit Inside Xbox with Sumo Digitals Executive Producer Steve Lycett and Lead Artist Dave Blewett. In the interview Steve Lycett speaks about all of the various modes in the game and reveals two new multiplayer modes called Capture the Chao and Knockout, Capture the Chao is like any first-person shooters Capture the Flag and Knockout is like a survivor mode with the person in last place given just 15 seconds to get back in the pack or else they get kicked out.

Dave Blewett discusses how Avatar support and Banjo-Kazooie came to be and bringing very old SEGA characters up to todays 3D graphical standard.

There is also some new gameplay footage from a wide variety of the tracks too, it’s a very interesting interview so switch on your Xbox 360 and give it a watch.

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  1. Hopefully the Inside Xbox team will upload it to their YouTube Channel, we’ll keep an eye on it and let you know when it becomes available.

  2. hey shadz, have you any idea what happened to that concept art they wanted to show?
    my timer shows -31 minutes.

  3. @Eggman123
    Concept art? I dont remember them mentioning anything about revealing some concept art. I’ll ask them for you if you like?

  4. Oh, I thought you were talking about this game XD

    I’m on the UK Sonic 4 site now and there is just one fifth piece of concept art with a timer on that at the time of this post says 00:01:45:52

    I guess they’re having timer issues again like with that Moto Bug reveal.

  5. I watched this earlier and, like you said, was a very interesting wach. 😀

    I like the sound of the newly-revealed Multiplayer modes, Knockout should be intense. XD

  6. Knockout kind of reminds me of Sonic 2’s 2P mode, where the countdown appears when one player gets to the end. Should be fun!

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