BREAKING: Project Needlemouse Revealed TONIGHT!!

BREAKING: Project Needlemouse Revealed TONIGHT!!

UPDATE: If your in the UK it will be at 8am, 3am Eastern Time.

News just in from SEGA of America’s Blog that Project Needlemouse will be revealed on Gamespot TONIGHT!!

What is Project Needlemouse? Well, you’ll soon know. We will be unveiling Project Needlemouse at midnight (US Pacific time) TONIGHT on GameSpot!

That’s all we can say for now, but you’ll know more in just a few hours! So put on a pot of coffee, and stay up late for all the Needlemouse-y goodness.

We’ll update you with all thats revealed.

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  1. Speaking of which, you comic book readers out there, if you haven’t seen it last month – seems to be have reached the 250th issue – and as it seems right now – the storyline has been reset according to might just as well be the needlemouse “universe”. LOL, I’m more into Archie, but it was really nice to see it anyway. πŸ™‚

    I really hope that Sonic will be back like in the 90’s! It may be the very first time I actually go and buy a console after… A LONG TIME (the last ones were MEGA-DRIVE and GameGear)! See! Sonic can do that to ya’! πŸ˜‰

  2. Guess I’ll be waking up, getting ready for school, firing up the computer on the way out the door to see the debut video and then off I go for another day of boredom and confined education… but now with the added excitement of KNOWING A NEW SONIC GAME WAS DEBUTED πŸ˜€

  3. Ah so I’ll be arriving in College an hour after that. Lucky I have about an hour till class that I can catch it on. Bring it!

  4. @BlueFox: Damn, I thought I was the only one with that plan. XD

    @Ben (aka Rio): My guess is that it’s because they got the first Needlemouse interview when the teaser was unvieled, but who knows. πŸ˜›

  5. Oh good! Don’t have to worry about sneaking online at work to see what’s happening.
    Last minute game name predictions? Sonic the Hedgehog : Next ?

  6. *breakdance, triple backflip and shoots mario* OH MA GAWD *grabs candy, chili dogs, coffee, and some grapes ((knuckles fav >.>)) and stays up tonight*

  7. 8am! If they’re late I’ll be pissed, I need to leave for my day job at 8.20 or else I’ll be late for work. So I wonder exactly how much of a reveal this will be…?

  8. I will be sleeping well tonight.

    On a related note, when they said sonic is the only playable character… what becomes of super sonic?

  9. This better not be strictly for ‘live’ audiences or somebody’s gonna get sued….

  10. Dangit! I’m in the “Eastern Time Zone” (no pun intended)! I gotta wait until 3:00 a.m.! Not only that, but I either have to ask my dad to wake me up, or use my DSi’s alarm!

  11. 11:55pm PST – Gamespot goes down.

    12:15am – People get uneasy

    12:45am – Some people consider going to bed / back to school

    1:30am – The Big Reveal!

    Remember guys – “I believe”

  12. Aaaaaahhh 3am

    Well, I was planning on watching about 20 episodes of Pokemon tonight anyway. Might as well stay up.

  13. 3 AM eastern??? dammit, I have to go school tomorrow =O

    Ah well, I just have to check in the morning before rushing out the door

  14. I’m probably the only one whose first thought after reading this was “you used your instead of you’re.”

  15. Holy crap. This is the first time I’ve been excited for this. Time to play sonics 1- unleashed. Hello my sega, so glad to see you, my friend.

    Runs to genesis

  16. I’ll just settle for waking up to catch whatever news it will be, be it on Youtube or here. Some of us sleep, you know.

  17. 3 AM? Bah. Seems like I’m going to be pulling an all-nighter. I have some work I’ve been meaning to get done for school tomorrow anyway, so that should hold me over until the big reveal.

  18. I honestly bet that the reason they’re making the announcement on Gamespot at midnight is to prevent server crash. Gamespot will have much larger servers, and less people will be on at that hour.

  19. so to clarify…it’ll be 8am in the UK…and 12am in the States?

    I’m in New York and it’s 11:34 right now, so if thas true, it’ll be another half hour till news time. Am I right?

  20. @Joe Higashi It says 12 pm West Coast time.

    I can’t wait till the revealing of the name of Project Needlemouse.

  21. @ Joe : 12am for the Pacific coast (PST) so 3am for you guys over on the east

    @ Miles : Ceramics is clay work / pottery, was fun in high school

  22. @ Skyblaze: I’m in the Pocono Mountains so I’m north of Philly. guess like I’ll try to stay up for this.

  23. AAUK said it’s on gamespot, because of the server down at tuesday.
    a little bit more than 2 hours.

  24. …Exactly what time does this site follow? I’m definitely sure it’s not Eastern O_o

    1:20 here. about an hour and a half left to go.

  25. SHOOT !
    I’m in France and this time I can’t escape my work, considering I’m not sick or anything…

    Will someone be nice enough to save the video somewhere ?

  26. So there’s a video?

    I’d be happy with just the title, anything more would be a bonus for me

  27. I can’t see the trailer–I’m on a unjailbroken iPod Touch. Could someone upload the video to YouTube and link to it…

  28. meh…he looked better in Brawl Hell, he looked better in Rush. Oh SEGA you just had to go please the HD Twins, you could have contacted Game Arts to help with animation and programming.

    Have we learned nothing from XBOX Live, Super SF2 HD Remix, and TMNT Re-Shelled: nothing good ever comes from pleasing the HD Twins. πŸ™

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