Boxer Hockey: Enter Bat-Face the Rogue
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i like the bit where he said hes been following me all day lol
OK, this is artistically scary 😀
these make me laugh way more than i think theyre legaly supposed to ;___;
I love the way each character is drawn, especially knuckles (Panel 6 XD)
Thats awesome ^^
Good grief!!!! 😀 That made me giggle, REALLY BAD!! ^^ “All the gems are mine!” *dies* and Knuckles nipple fists, LOL, thats BRILLIANT!!!
XD oh god I love this artist.
I think Bat-Face the Rogue is scarier then tails doll.
by the way, great comic again 😀
Rouge the bat-face has scarred me for life……… D X
I love this artstyle, SEGA should hire him for Sonic 5 *stone’d*
Has Boxer Hockey always been a Sonic fan comic or has it evolved into one or is this just a mini-series in the grand scheme of things?
Boop! Hilarity.
Wow, Bat-Face is even hotter than Rouge! <3
It’s just a mini series/filler or what-not. The normal stuff is just as good. : )
Why is Knuckles so fat in the first panel?
Oh wow XD. These have me rethinking what my first web comic feature for this site should be….these are friggin bril XD
Rofl this was great. please whoever did this make more….mabye one with metal sonic?
I love the part with eggman asking if these would be his friends
Eggman in the last row makes me think of Red Guy from Cow and Chicken XD
Funniest Sonic strip series running.
Nuff said.
Well, THAT offically killed my boner…
‘goes over to a hentai site’
‘sees a Rouge pic’
Nope. Wait…
there it is…
Probably shouldn’t have typed that…
Holy hell.
This is amazing.
This…. I need to emulate this into my style. This is brilliant for the Sonic Egg Whites and Staffers.
Haha, dude, it’s a cartoon. Stuff like this throws logic out the window. Don’t question it, just enjoy it ;). (which I’m sure you are)
this reminds me of one of those horribly stupid cartoons in cartoon network. I’m sorry if I’ve offended anyone who watches those cartoons. It’s my biased taste in cartoons, sorry.
@ Will
OMG that’s exactly what I thought when I first saw him in that panel! XD
And my God, are Knuckles’ expressions funny. I couldn’t stop laughing the first time I saw this.
This week’s was nowhere near as good as the past few. The only bit I actually laughed at was the “BOOP! Robot,” and then Sonic’s reaction to the Tails Doll. XD
Can you imagine how weird the games would be if Rouge seriously LOOKED like that, lol?
Is Sonic smoking in the first panel? I’m sure that’s a cigarette in his mouth and a lighter in his paw!
LOL! This was funnier than I thought it was going to be.