ASR: SEGA Nerds Reveal All Characters Stats & All Star Moves

ASR: SEGA Nerds Reveal All Characters Stats & All Star Moves

The guys over at SEGA Nerds have recently visited SEGA and got some hands-on time with the full Xbox 360 version of Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing. While there they got some pics of every characters stats, vehicle names and All-Star Moves but as the Xbox 360 edition was the only available version they couldnt get the info for the Wii versions Mii’s.

With this info in mind you can now get a better idea of how your favourite characters will play before you hit the track and start your offensive in local or online multiplayer. The pics also show Sumo Digital have done their homework with some of the vehicle names, Doctor Eggman at the SSMB has noticed the following in response to Beat and Ryo’s vehicle names:
– “DE LA CUSTOM GGs?? Way to stick a reference to the obscure Japanese JSR 2.0 “De La Jet Set Radio” ”

– “Very awesome that you didn’t forget Naoyuki!”

So, do you like the All-Star moves, vehicle names and stats? Speak out in the comments.

Source: SEGA Nerds

Thanks to Kintobor at the SSMB for the heads up and Doctor Eggman for noting the references

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  1. So the Avatar’s vehicle is called the 720. Hmm… So the fabled Xbox 720 will double as a car, interesting. I can see the tagline now “Own (ed) Your Friends, Own the Road”.

  2. I imagine the Miis stats will be the same as the Avatar’s.

    Anyways, I’m glad that Tails stats are how they are. I’ll be maining him for sure. Tornado, here I come!(in just a few days) πŸ˜€

    this guy was right about the jump but this is a beta so what the hell do you expect =_=”

    watch the video in the link and youll see for yourself that this game isnt as bad as it’s made out to be…and also the guy playing sucks ass at sonic games so this isnt the clearest thing in terms of speed and how certain this work(boosters spring loops etc.)
    enjoy my find

  4. @ NejiBK

    This news post is about Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing not Sonic 4 and besides everyone has seen that video since it was leaked at a few days ago.

  5. @Shadzter

    i was hoping that it would be posted on this site for those who have not seen it smart one
    also posted it here because of the possibility that no one would look back on a previous sonic 4 pst

    sorry for wasting your time?

  6. @ NejiBK
    I just thought it was a bit odd and random. We already made a post about it when it first got leaked and we dont re-post news. Thanks anyway though πŸ˜‰

  7. The Avatar’s all star move should have been the RROD, freezing the opponents for a whole 10 seconds πŸ˜›

  8. B.D. Joe’s All-Star move should be called the Crazy Dash. And why is Shadow’s bike so slow? Dr. Eggman’s vehicle, on the other hand, has maxed out speed. I can’t say I was very impressed by anything I saw.

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