Needlemouse Trailer Developer Saw No Game

Needlemouse Trailer Developer Saw No Game

SEGA has been very secretive about its upcoming game, code named Project Needlemouse. Until now all we know is that it’s set for 2010, in 2D and is an Action/Adventure game. Well, according to a statement posted 4 months ago over at Vimeo from the trailer’s developer Integrated Alchemy –

SEGA came to Integrated Alchemy Media without a game, without a title, without a logo, without a character, and with a challenge: Make fans of Sonic the Hedgehog excited about his return in the game you’re not going to show. We had one week. But we also had Trevor Gavin, Ryan Berkey and Vadan Less This 30 second teaser got 100,000 views in its first 48 hours and the mission was a total success.

It really does seem like SEGA wants to keep every minute detail of the game secret. For fear of one of its classic leaks, perhaps? The act of silence is working wonders on the fanbase, who are speculating all manner of things on blogs – while the SSMB’s Project Needlemouse topic has stretched to nearly 3000 posts. All on the back of that trailer. Nice work.

Let us know what you think of this development in the comments.

Thanks to The Sniper over at the SSMB for the heads up.

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  1. BTW the game STILL exists…

    Repeat, “needlemouse” is not a fluff…

    anyways that was just so funny, it was like a massive rickroll 😀

  2. It’s amazing how a teaser that revealed next to nothing has the Sonic fanbase up-in-arms. I personally can’t give a toss until I see something substantial.

  3. Agreed. I see no reason to speculate wildly until we see something concrete. It’s never going to be exactly like you imagine anyway, whatever you think it’s going to be like, so just wait and see.

  4. well no leaks for that game then…
    sega is really careful this time
    ” waits for Project Needlemouse info

  5. It was pretty hard to fail, blue blurs, the rolling buzz and losing rings sounds and the classic emblem silhouette, doesn’t take a genius 😛
    A little worrisome Sega didn’t offer them anything in terms of a preview… we can only hope they’ve started some kind of development on it… but not too fast! not too fast! 2010 has just started 🙂

    Steve Lycett just de-confirmed my post.

  6. I think in a pria post I joked that there probs wasn’t a game to show when the teaser trailer was released. Just wait until Sega indefinetly extent the release date…

  7. why is everybody saying sega wouldn’t have started development with the game. this is just absurd and stupid.

  8. Do you guys think that there actually IS a game, or whether we may be looking at the Duke Nukem Forever of the Sonic series?

  9. First, Duke Nukem Forever was (or is?) in development… so the game actually existed (or still exists?).

    Second, if needlemouse wasn’t real and IAM where playing a big joke SEGA would have taken actions against them… and obviously, They wouldn’t be promoting the game in their blogs and sites like gamespot right? 😉

  10. I wish there was some more damn info, they really are keeping this well hidden under their hats!

    I came across loads of speculation on YT and not all of it was pleasant, no one can make any judgements from this teaser alone..

  11. They probably want NO details to be revealed until it’s REALLY close to the release date. I mean, remember the days of when we wouldn’t be hesitant on hunting down data on the latest Sonic games? It’s probably gonna be like one of those days.

  12. If, when this finally gets screenshots or something, I see anything that looks even a teeny bit like a shitty friend, I will not touch it.

  13. NO! Seriously Sega?! Commisioning a trailer without giving any information to the people you hired! Those classic sound effects were the only clue I had that this was going to be a good game and now it turns out they were a lie! Well crap. There goes all hope I had that this game will be the franchise redeeming game everyone wants it to be. As of now I have lowered my standards to expect another Sonic Unleashed, a game that shows a lot of promise and has some fun parts, but that I will regret wasting my money on a month later when it has completely ceased to amuse me.

    P.S. I know this is a total overreaction to information about a game trailer, but I’m sick of getting screwed over by Sonic hype machine and this seems to indicate I was yet again.

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