ASR: Second Jet Set Radio Future Track Discovered

ASR: Second Jet Set Radio Future Track Discovered

Eagle eyed SSMB member Doctor Eggman has discovered a second Jet Set Radio Future track in Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing. The discovery came from the last vehicle focused trailer released where a collection of small video’s showcasing the various tracks are shown. Compare the two images above(left is Jet Set Radio Future and right is ASR) and you’ll see they look very much alike.

Thanks to Doctor Eggman over at the SSMB!

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  1. aka Doc Eggman here.
    ha! yeah, I was just replaying JSRF a few nights ago and got to 99th Street and it seemed familiar. Then last night I figured out that I had seen it in the latest trailer! My secret? Download high quality youtube videos via and then go through them frame by frame.

  2. Yes, but is it really worth combing tirelessly through thousands of frames of video just to provide spoilers to people who might actually want to be pleasantly surprised when the game is finally released?

    Is it so much to ask that TSS files this sort of thing under “SaSASR Spoilers”, and leaves the people who don’t want to see it to find out when the finished product goes to market? It’s just that I’m getting pretty sick and tired of other users revealing things that I actually don’t want to know about this game yet…

    Unlike you guys, I have at least a modicum of patience!

  3. LOL spoilers? Really?
    Okay, TSSZ revealing the final three racers was a clear spoiler. But this is simply looking at what Sumo has placed in plain sight IN A TRAILER and saying “Hey, I recognize that, it’s clearly JSRF!”Is it a spoiler if we say that it is Blizzard Castle in the Christmas trailer? Or if we point out the Samba de Amigo stages seen in the recent vehicles trailer?

  4. @ Extaticus
    Spoilers are stuff the developers/publishers keep secret and don’t reveal before launch. Stuff the developers/publishers put in trailers and screenshot releases are stuff that is usually available as soon as you start the game. If your someone who doesn’t want to know anything at all, even the stuff the developers want you to see in their media releases then your best staying away from the online SEGA/Sonic community and gaming websites/magazines until you’ve got the game and finished it.

  5. I’ve deliberately staved off the trailers and tears for reasons mentioned above, and I really mean it when I say that I do NOT want information shoved down my throat before I’m ready to hear/ see it!

  6. So… you have been avoiding the trailers, yet you read the headlines on a website devoted to reporting on the latest happenings of the game you’re trying to avoid?


  7. @Extaticus
    We’re not shoving information down your throat, we’re simply giving coverage on all the offical happenings around the games for our readers to enjoy. We respect our readers but if you don’t want any information or to see any media from the game then the only thing we can advise is that you don’t read the headlines and enjoy the rest of the site or hold off visiting this site and any other Sonic/SEGA/video game related site until you’ve beat the game.

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