ASR Dev Diary #2

ASR Dev Diary #2

The second part of the Sonic & SEGA All Stars Raing Developer Diary with Sumo Digital’s Steve Lycett has been posted over at the Sonic City Blognik.

In this entry Steve Lycett talk’s about his trip to Japan with his team to visit SEGA Japan and discuss a certain character with AM3 that Sumo Digital would like to include in the game. The character get’s permitted although Steve can’t reveal what character it is yet.

Steve also confirms the previously stated 20 character total that retailers started listing a month or so back –

We end the day on a high with one character approved – and I finally drop into bed in the hotel after nearly 24 hours of travel, thinking 1 down… 19 to go…

AM3 made Crazy Taxi and Ghost Squad so could we be seeing a character from either of those franchises join Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing? With Crazy Taxi being a driving game then a character from that franchise would be perfect.

That’s all the ASR info from the diary entry though the rest of it is a good read too about Steve’s comical experience with a bottle of Coke right in SEGA Japan’s building and identity problems before being allowed into SEGA’s office’s.

Iinformation coming in the next entry is teased too –

Who else did I get to meet? Did we get any turned down/ What exactly is it like in Sonic Teams offices… I’ve got to keep you waiting as I’m out of space – till next time!

Check the entry with more pics out over at the Sonic City Blognik.

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  1. Crazy Taxi is a Smilebit series. It’s either NiGHTS or Ristar, but we all know that NiGHTS has been ruled out. So, here’s hoping it is Ristar. If not, it could be a Phantasy Star character.

  2. Whoops, it was AM3. I didn’t read the whole thing. Yeah, Crazy Taxi it is (hopefully).

  3. WOW… I’m really failing up a storm today. I meant Hitmaker, not Smilebit. I’m tired folks, cut me some slack.

  4. If a crazy taxi character gets a place in the game and Ristar doesnt I am gonna be so annoyed! In my opinion Ristar is a MUCH better game than crazy taxi and im sure more people would rather have him in the game come on PLEASE

  5. @DMCTheHedgehog:

    True, but don’t forget that-

    1. This was apparently the first character they added to the game, hence the “19 left to go” remark (but they decided to make this character “secret”).
    2. This isn’t the last Sonic Team franchise that has been talked about because, well, it’s not Sonic Team.
    3. It’s easier to incorporate a character that was originally from a racing game into another racing game than what SEGA considers an obscure character that originated in a platformer.

    Besides, this doesn’t take away Ristar’s chances, because we already know that NiGHTS is out. I’ve been rooting for Ristar to make an appearance, too. Go Ristar!

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