Sonic Bowling Hits Japanese Mobile Phones

Sonic Bowling Hits Japanese Mobile Phones

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Proving that the Sonic Cafe titles are still a hit five years on, SEGA’s official Sonic Channel blog has announced a new mobile phone game for Japanese handsets – Sonic Bowling! The game is available on mobile phones on the SoftBank network, but Docomo and au network versions are coming soon.

Developed by ★ Puyo! SEGA, the game is essentially bowling with Sonic characters. The models, Hunter from the SSMB noted, look similar to the ones used in the Nintendo DS version of Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games. Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Amy are confirmed as playable characters, each with their own playing style.

As well as regular ten-pin play, you can upload your scores against the country-wide ranking system, or take part in ten missions handed to you by Dr. Eggman (because obviously he’d be able to take over the world if you sucked at bowling, or something).

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If you have a touch-capable phone, there are optional control methods that take advantage of that, and if you don’t fancy spending 315 Yen on the program just yet, take solace in knowing that SEGA are offering a free trial version so you can get into the swing of the kingpin. For everyone outside Japan though, don’t take solace in the fact that, like other Sonic Cafe games, this is not likely to reach Western networks.

Sonic Channel Blog (thanks to Hunter from SSMB)

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Founder of The Sonic Stadium and creator/co-organiser of the Summer of Sonic convention. Loves talking about Sonic the Hedgehog in his spare time. Likes Sonic Colours a little too much for his own good, apparently.


  1. That looks pretty neat; the graphics look are almost DS-esque, and it appears to be rather professionally made?

    Did they say what type of phone it runs on?

  2. Yay, they’re using the M&S DS models!

    These definately need to stick around. Hell, if they could take these and cel-shade them to look like the original Sonic Rush that would be wonderful.

  3. I thought sonic is unpopular in Japan, then why its has to be only there(like many others mobile sonic games)

    please tell me.

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