PSP2 sells 202k on day 1

PSP2 sells 202k on day 1

More Phantasy Star news, guys! Phantasy Star Portable 2, the sequel to the smash hit original Phantasy Star Portable for PSP, has arrived in Japan, and it’s numbers are almost as good as the original’s.

At 202,000, the game comes in slightly under the original’s 217,000. Of course, the original didn’t have to contend with New Super Mario Bros Wii and Gundam vs. Gundam (also for PSP), which may have contributed to the small fall in sales. SMBW sold 400k while GvG sold 150k.

Critically, PSP2 has faired a bit better then the original title, scoring a 34/40 from Famitsu, compared to PSP’s 33/40. Only time will tell if PSP2 will be able to out sell it’s predeccessor’s first week sales, which reached 340k. We’ll be sure to update you once the numbers became available.

PSP2 hasn’t been confirmed for a US release as of yet, though the game’s US release was mentioned in the Sony leaked document back in August.

Source: SegaShiro

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Nuckles87 has been an editor at Sonic Stadium since 2007, and has been covering events like E3, PAX, and SDCC since 2010. An avid retro gamer, he runs a monthly stream on Twitch where he explores obscure Sonic oddities, and how aspects of the franchise have evolved over the decades.


  1. I still have to pick up the DS one… but Zelda is right around the corner, then theres my birthday next week.. I’m gonna be busy.
    Hm.. if the Dreamcast version still worked online.. I’d still be playing. That was a brilliant game with a very solid / no disconnection online element…. on frigg’n dial up.
    Years before its time, years.

    *Every time someone says Sonic Adventure 2 was good, all Sonic players worldwide are disconnected from their online Smash Bros Brawl game*

  2. Did anyone else think that this was a news story about a new handheld console as apposed to the game?

  3. Oh darn, i thought this was about a second PSP. What the heck… hahaha.

    I wants to play Phantasy Star Portable too!!! i hope it comes to US.

  4. Yeah, I thought it was about the new PSP also.

    *Every time someone says Sonic Adventure 2 was good, all Sonic players worldwide are disconnected from their online Smash Bros Brawl game*

  5. Haha, sorry about the title confusion, people. Regrettably, Phantasy Star Portable 2 didn’t really fit as well in the title. Doesn’t look right when it goes on two lines.

  6. Why would New Super Mario Bros Wii affect phantasy stars sales? There aimed at completely different audiences.

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