Metal Sonic Sprite T-Shirt Gives You +10 Cool

Metal Sonic Sprite T-Shirt Gives You +10 Cool

If you thought the Sonic t-shirt posted here by the lovely Brad Flick a few months ago was cool then allow me to introduce that t-shirts older cooler brother. Shark Robot now have up for sale a similar t-shirt in concept but made all the cooler by featuring Metal Sonic’s glowing red eyes and evil glare. At still only $17.95 the t-shirt is a steal and I’ve no qualms in telling you all after getting the Sonic t-shirt for Christmas (thanks sis!) I ordered Metal Sonic as soon as I saw it. Click the image for a larger preview and when you’re done gawking get yourself over to Shark Robot and buy the damn thing, pronto!

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  1. They also had a Shadow one, a red t-shirt, but that mysteriously disappeared from their site when I wasn’t lookingg.

  2. Neat looking but clicking the image doesn’t give me a larger preview; it just stays the same size.

  3. If you wear this shirt, the walls of reality will fade and all of a sudden you will hear a ding followed by the words “Trophy Unlocked. You look awesome!”

  4. It is some serious piece of cool clothing and I can’t wait for it to get to my house. The link to the large image has been fixed thanks to WordPress being an arse (which I’m blaming for all my problems). I saw the link in the comments of Brad’s story to the Shadow shirt but it seems to have been removed entirely. Keep us posted if you see it or any other Sonic shirts by sending us an e-mail to the address in the ‘Contact Us’ section of the site.

  5. Maybe it’s something to do with the fact that Shadow doesn’t have an official 2D sprite? Maybe there were some design issues? Who knows. I wonder if anyone who pre-ordered got one.

    Metal Sonic is much more badass than Shadow anyway.

    Still think Metallix is a cooler name, though.

  6. Espy said: Maybe it’s something to do with the fact that Shadow doesn’t have an official 2D sprite?

    His sprite from Sonic Battle doesn’t count?

  7. probably cuz no one wanted the shadow shirt. i heard that the owner of shark robot is really big on things having to sell fast or he takes them off the site.

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