Two Sonic Games Make Game Informers Top 200 Games Of All Time

Two Sonic Games Make Game Informers Top 200 Games Of All Time

TSS Readers in the USA may be more familiar with Game Informer than I but despite recent troubles the magazine is about to release their 200th issue. To celebrate the milestone they have comprised a list of the top 200 games of all time. With such a large list of games there’s lots of room to debate what came where but being a Sonic site first and foremost it’s Sonic games we’re looking for the most.

The good news is that the blue blur makes the list twice; the original Sonic The Hedgehog for the Genesis at a respectable 34 and it’s sequel Sonic The Hedgehog 2 a little further down but still just within the top hundred at 97. The bad news is that no other Sonic games place in the list at all.

The full list can be found here courtesy of Nintendo Everything.

One last thing of note, games with ‘Mario’ in the title appear 11 times in the list with 4 Mario games being placed above Sonic 1.

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  1. I think it’s because Mario has had better game choices than Sonic. Example? Sega All-Star Racing for example – why is Sonic in a car? -_- what else?!

  2. If people still don’t know why Sonic is in a car…. *sigh* forget it.

    Grats to Sonic and Sonic 2, years on and they still set a very tough standard to beat (not surprising with all the crap out nowadays)

  3. Cool that they included some Sonic games. Bit surprised adventure, adventure 2, and Rush didn’t make it, considering they were very good games.

  4. Bah, Game Informer. I’m surprised they listed any Sonic games at all. I don’t think much of that magazine personally, haven’t for awhile.

  5. …How is Left 4 Dead higher than Sonic 2?

    Whatever. Not like I ever agree with anything Game Informer does in the first place.

  6. @Humble Fellow

    It’s argueable but many (including me) consider Sonic 1 and 2 superior to Sonic 3&K because they have that ‘magic feeling’ or something. Don’t get me wrong I really like Sonic 3&Knuckles but for all it’s extra options it felt inferior. Though after that Sonic games start to deminish in quality.

    Anyway, great news that two amazing Sonic games made the list! Oh, and the reason more Mario games made the list is because he’s just been in a larger majority of better games; even today he still produces classic games (excluding sport spin offs).

  7. Technically, Mario, has more party games than it has mainstream games, and reveiwers accept this because its Mario, but when Sonic tries to diversify….OH NO NOT ALLOWED. This becomes even more annoying because the Fanyboy douches shit on games that are not like the MegaDrive ones or too different from SA1/SA2.
    Jeez, Sonic is in a fucking car….WOOP-DE-DOO, people, you must realise, that you can’t judge a Game on stereotypes that were preformed, you must judge it on merit and whether YOU found it to be enjoyable. And with that maybe some reviewers really did enjoy Black Knight or Unleashed, but because it has some variety and breaks the normal trend, they feel that they have to give it a poor review, bacause “it isn’y Sonic”… (happend with SunShine for Mario…Too different = Bad). Damn, if SaSASR is fun to play buy it and give positive reviews, if it horrible to play do the same except give a negative review. Don’t just hate it because Sonic is in goddamn car…technically why in hell should Mario be in a car/motorbike/soccer/basketball etc. game. If he can pull it off without fans getting pissed of, then so should the Sonic franchise.

    Sorry about the essay folks

  8. its about time too that sonic got reconized why is nights not there its also one of the coolst games for wii out there

  9. Why Sonic the Hedgehog 2? It is smaller, less detailed, less intricate, less technically advanced than Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles! S&K even offers countless hours of fun through the Lock On technology. Even though S3&K was released as two games, it was intended to be a single game, and should probably be treated as a single game for this reason.

    It is good thing that no real gamers rely on these lists to form their opinions.

  10. Guys, you have to take into consideration how much Game Informer loathes Sonic nowadays. I think it’s quite an honor for the blue blur.

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