Get In Touch With The Sonic Stadium

Get In Touch With The Sonic Stadium

043Hey guys! My new job is somewhat stopping me from doing huge updates to the site unfortunately, so sorry about that. But the awesome efforts from T-Bird, Brad, Shadz, Paul and nuckles87 are hopefully all providing you with the news and Sonic info you need. But we’re always looking for stuff to write about. We love Sonic as much as you do, so if you have anything you want us to talk about – be it a news tip that we haven’t covered yet, your fan project or anything else Sonic related – give us a buzz via our Contact page.

Speaking of which, I’ve fixed it up a bit. People have been wanting to come to us to submit their Sonic news, info or community projects, and it’s been a bit confusing how to go about it. I’ve taken the liberty to fix that for you. There’s a direct link to our email address – – on the sidebar and the Contact Us page has been edited to display it as well.

Please do get in touch if you have something Sonic-related that we can chat about on The Sonic Stadium. Of course, I’ve still included TSS Staff emails in the Contact page, just in case you want to email a specific staffer of your news.

Also, if you want to let us know about your Sonic fansite, then give us a buzz! We want to start a weekly (or otherwise regular) section writing about and getting exposure for all the fansites in the Community. We’re also looking to bringing back the TSS Banner Rotation service soon, exclusively for fansites and other non-commercial websites alike. So there will be more ways for your site to be recognised by the community.

It’s something that I’ve really wanted to find time to do (the feature thing, not the adverts thing), because I remember when I first launched TSS as a web coding rookie and the Sonic Community was real supportive of one another by giving advice or just checking out each other’s websites. This site has enough exposure, I reckon I should be giving others some free hang time as well. So let us know about your website – provide a link, give us a little description about its history, what you want to achieve out of it and why you made the site, and I’ll have a snoop and write about it in a regular feature. Sound good? Not to mention, if your site’s pretty awesome, we might keep you in mind for The Sonic Site Awards next year…

Oh, I’ve also fixed a problem with our Site Meter statistics counter that prevented it from counting all of the visits that were actually logged into the site (this is why I have more than one statistics counter running for the site). That’s fixed now, so anyone who’s interested won’t get skewed numbers. Thanks to those who informed us of the discrepency!

Finally, Christmas is coming up soon – are you all ready to buy some good Sonic merchandise for yourself? Oh, and something for the family as well, that’ll be nice. Hey, here’s an idea – buy your family some Sonic stuff, then you can keep it all the same! Happy days. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves here. It’s not quite Christmas yet (even though the adverts on TV would like you to think so), but December is fast approaching, yes yes. I think it’s safe to say that your pals at The Sonic Stadium have a few treats up our sleeve, so look out for that.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Published by


Founder of The Sonic Stadium and creator/co-organiser of the Summer of Sonic convention. Loves talking about Sonic the Hedgehog in his spare time. Likes Sonic Colours a little too much for his own good, apparently.


  1. ……>_>

    Haha, awesome to hear, Dread. I’ve been meaning to buy some ad space on TSS for ECC for sometime. I was dissapointed when I realized the service was gone. You can count on some of my currency when it’s up and running ;).

    Also looking forward to the Community Spotlights returning. Given I’m a member of the site I’d want to spotlight, didn’t seem right writing something on them myself. Maybe Saturday Morning Sonic….

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