Games featured include Sonic Robo Blast 2, Sonic Rebirth, Project Mettrix, Sonic Emerald Hunt, and Sonic Nexus. Games that were not in the video include Sonic: Time Attacked and Sonic: Mecha Madness.
In other SAGE news, let me put a damper on many people’s hopes by informing you all that Retro-Sonic XG will not be anywhere close to the show this year. There were never plans for a demo to surface in 2008 or this year’s show.
Wait a minute… how long has SRB2 been in development for?
As long as Duke Nukem Forever.
Seriously, 11 years.
Man that´s a lot of time XP. Anyways, most games seemed pretty good. Too bad our game died before we could even say “CAAAAN WEEE JOOOIIINN PLIZZZ??”
Finally! SRB2 is going to be done!
Sonic Rebirth is pretty interesting. Both the 8-bit and 16-bit versions of Sonic The Hedgehog combined into one remake. Can’t wait to see it.
Haha, Mettrix hasn’t changed in like… 5 years?