Empire City & Adabat Adventure Pack Hits Xbox Live

Empire City & Adabat Adventure Pack Hits Xbox Live


SEGA have today released the Empire City & Adabat Adventure Pack on Xbox Live Marketplace. Like the Apotos & Shamar Adventure Pack this is a double pack for the same 250 MS Points consisting of 5 daytime stages and 4 nighttime stages. The description for the pack reveals that this new pack is the final downloadable pack.

Download all-new Empire City & Adabat adventures! For the final downloadable pack, play five daytime & four nighttime stages that range from a high-rise metropolis to an exotic jungle strewn with ancient ruins.

The Japanese Playstation Store has oddly not received this new pack today but we’ll be checking the European and U.S. Playstation Store’s when they update later today and let you know if we see any new Sonic Unleashed downloadable content there.

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  1. Seriously, is Sonic Unleashed really all that worth it, so that SEGA keep giving us new levels knowing we’ll buy them?
    Just asking… Looks cool to me, but it still got mixed reviews.

  2. This is all wer’re getting? I downloaded the first pack (Chun-nan) and decided it wasn’t worth it. Where’s all the proper new content SEGA? These DLC packs look like they got the work experience kid to run Sonic Unleashed through Little Big Planet’s creator tools.

    Would it of really been so hard to give us a Shadow or Knuckles skin?

  3. I suppose that this is how Sonic Unleashed would’ve meant to be originally. If the release date was June 20th 2009 (or perhaps even Fall 2009) this is probably what Sonic Unleashed would’ve been. All of this DLC is… almost like Sonic Knuckles added to Sonic 3.

  4. Is this really the last downloadable content? I think they were just referring to the last level pack.

    I don’t have Xbox Live, unfortunately. Wouldn’t be worth the money for the small amount of games I have.

  5. I’ve seen some videos on Youtube of some of the dlc packs, and it looks like Sonic Team delivered the request of “precision platforming” in several places.

    See? They do listen to us!

  6. @ Marcus
    There is no eggmanland DLC. Read the text above.


    Well if you were wandering about PSN it isnt on the american one but the Apotos and Shamar packs are on the US playstation store

  7. Man…I only have enough PSN funds for two packs, and having 5 to choose from is a pain.

    Which two are the best?

  8. it would be cool if they made a whole new level altogether like a greenhill zone level now that would be awsome

  9. It would be fun if they made new levels that we could be able to download. A new level with new name and everything.
    Maybe Paris in france, Sonic can run up for that tower(forgot the name.XD), just for an exampel! We don’t need more levels from the same place I think.
    Someone that agrees?
    But I think I will download the Mazuri pack when I get the game.

  10. @ Osnic:
    Agreed. I also think they should have Unleashed remakes of older levels like Green Hill Zone or Emerald Hill Zone.

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