NYCC: Two SatBK Gameplay Videos!

NYCC: Two SatBK Gameplay Videos! is on the New York Comic Con show floor and have uploaded gameplay videos of Sonic & the Black Knight.  It’s cam footage, but at least it is footage!  The first video shows off the intro/tutorial level of the game and the second has a giant dragon boss!  There are HD versions of each video over at GameTrailers.

You might still be skeptical about Sonic with a sword, but one thing that you have to be sold on now is the graphics.  Even from this cam footage, it is clear that the graphics illustrate what the Wii is capable of, even at high speeds.  I have yet to play the game, but I know that I am impressed with the game’s visuals.

I will have an old friend of mine, Keith, at the convention today.  He’s going to play SatBK and let us know how it stacks up.  From what he hears from other show-goers, he says that it is a mixed bag due to the amount of waggle and jumping.  However, he is still reserving his judgment for his run today.  I will pass his word onto you guys as soon as possible.

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Slingerland is a staff writer and editor for both The Sonic Stadium and Sonic Retro. His area of emphasis is the inner-workings of the games and laughing at everything.


  1. Looks cool! Graphics definitely look stepped up from Secret Rings (although there’s more fog than I’d have liked, but perhaps that’s just the environment?) and the sword combat looks tight! Gameplay looks too similar to Secret Rings than I’d have hoped, but again, I hope the sword combat can mix things up a bit.

    Looks to be pretty fun. Dig the guy swinging his arm in the second vid 😀

  2. No matter what everyone else says, I think this game is cool xD I can’t wait until people put up vids of Shadow from the game xD

  3. …..


    I was pretty skeptical, but damn that looks awesome. My opinions hath changeth

  4. Okthe game play looks easy & can guess the other`s style of game play

    Shadow : Same as Sonic`s levels
    Knuckles ” Normal Speed
    Blaze : Maybe somewhere close to Sonic & Shadow since she is pretty fast in her way

  5. Ah, stage 3 of a new Sonic game : Hope.

    – Looks like the rhinos in the first video are already causing problems
    – Unresponsive Wiimote swinging in second video

    Looks great thou

  6. Played the game yesterday, I felt it was a little slow, but it was a lot of fun to use the Wii-mote as a sword. Then again, I like Sonic Unleashed so I guess my opinion doesn’t really count.

  7. Eric, of course your opinion counts! In fact, we need more open minded people like you playing these games in the first place!

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