This picture has been buried in my DA favorites for a while now (since 2006!), but I still wanted to show it off to you. It’s by dark-kelsk and is a 3D scene of Sonic playing his Mega Drive and is picture perfect. The detail on the furniture and the Mega Drive is great and the lighting throughout is spot-on. The Sonic model is pretty badass, too.

Fanatics: Sonic Playing Sonic
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I have known about this pic for ages, but could never find the big version, I could only find a tiny copy of it :\
Thanks 😀
ha ha thatd really cool and funny perfect picutre
That picture just made me want to post my 1st comment!Looks pretty cool and all the tiny details like the ring, tails photo and what seems like the 1st xbox 360 boss. 🙂
Who’s the band in the poster at the back? Does Sonic like The Prodigy!?
Is that egg cerberus on the table? Wow, pretty bdetailed, everything looks great =D
……. Uh, my jaw is stuck… can’t close…..
sonic looks focused must be training for the winter olympics or going after eggman XD
Note: Sonic is so hooked on the game that he has been peeing in a glass rather than pressing pause. Good man!
I’ve seen that pic!!
Unfortunately the artist does not do Sonic anymore and they get mad when you fav. it :/
I didn’t know Sega made TVs…
The band on the picture looks like Machinae Supremacy. Good music, btw.
Great picture!
I hope that’s apple juice.
I faved that for a long time, but he doesn’t seem to care for it anymore. Maybe he will now it’s on Sonic Stadium!
This is very cool! I like the environment – kind of like an apartment or some other pad. The only thing is the orange juice looks not quite like orange juice if that’s what it is supposed to be. The artist must be very skilled. I can only imagine the work that went into this.
Pure cool.
I wonder if that TV’s a… PanaSONIC. Ba-dum-pshh!
Ah,I remember that one 🙂 Quite nice.
Yeah, I’m gonna throw a grenade into this post..
Look at the position of the TV against that of the couch.. Sonic isn’t exactly sitting in front of the TV, so he needs to turn his head slightly clock-wise
A lovely picture, made even more perfect by him looking quite annoyed whilst playing Marble Zone. I know the feeling 😀
How did he get that good picture quality out of a Mega Drive?
that is awsome
Sonic let’s pla megaman 8 together