Sonic and the Black Knight features in Denki DS Magazine!

Sonic and the Black Knight features in Denki DS Magazine!


SSMB’s very own member ‘KIRBY‘ has informed TSS earlier today (via the forums) with some interesting news regarding a recent edition of Japanese ‘Denki DS’ magazine.

The latest issue includes an exclusive three page preview on the upcoming Wii adventure, including some brand new images consisting of a first look at the multiplayer battle mode, a new cut scene illustration of Sonic and Tails and some never-before-seen image renders of Tails, Knuckles, Amy and Shadow. Just like with ‘Sonic and the Secret Rings’, all returning friends and enemies alike take the form of characters in the storybook at hand, with Shadow as ‘Sir Lancelot’ and Amy as ‘The Lady of the Lake.’

All information written in the magazine is in Japanese (of course), though it may well include some interesting new information on the game. Make sure you keep yourself updated and see the scans for yourselves in the SSMB Topic here. Be sure to let us know what you think of Tails, Amy, Knuckles and Shadow’s new designs in the comments below!

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  1. Amy is very pretty I must admit. Reminds me of that Sonic X episode where she’s wearing that dress and Sonic just stares at her in awe. lol
    Tails looks ok. I’m guessing that might be Arthur’s insignia on his apron. And we could see it everywhere. Or its not. Either way. Its something to look out for I suppose.
    Or it might be a watermark of all the things Tails makes. Like I said, I’m taking a wild guess.
    And that sword in that screenshot is one big mothereffer. lol

  2. sweet they all look awsome, amy’s dress isnt terribly flattering though lol
    anyone know who tails and knuckles are supposed to be?

  3. So, judging from his outfit, I’m guessing that Tails is going to play a blacksmith role? Unless that’s some leather armor and a glove for twanging bows as an archer, but the goggles? Don’t recall there being any pilots in the medieval era.

    I’m going to go with blacksmith here.

  4. I like amy’s alot! Hope we can get a really good pic of shadow soon though (that one is sort of meh compared to the other two, not that I’m complaining just comparing) not sure I like that helmet thing though…

  5. It says on Wikipedia that Blaze is Joan of Arc, Knuckles is Sir Gawain (whoever the hell he is) and Tails is the local blacksmith. Hope that clears things up.

    And Shadow’s sword looks uber pwnage.

  6. I thought Tails looked like a blacksmith too. Man I sure as hell hope not though. I want to be able to use him the 2-player. I don’t wanna have to settle for my secord or third favorite characters.

  7. Tails being a Blacksmith was confirmed ages back. There’s no reason he wouldn’t be multiplayer playable though…

  8. HOLAS: ™

    i can’t believe you guys are only talking about dresses xD

    anyways, it must be thats to only thing to talk (considering all the text is in japanese)

    just a little reminder…. wikipedia LIES….. (not always, just a 75% of the time when it comes to gaming, anime, and childish stuff wich is also followned by adults)

  9. Do youthink that the characters will be called there real names or somthing weird like in secret rings?

  10. Those are some cool artworks. I’m very fond of Shadow’s shoes knight’s armor styled. 😀 It’s a shame his and Knuckles’ faces are covered, but their outfits are cool.

    Tails as a blacksmith seems dull to me. I’m glad they finally gave Amy a character. I imagined her as a princess in SatSR, but apparently she didn’t get a part. Correct me if I’m wrong. So I’m glad she’s in the sequel.

  11. Stephen, keep in mind that the last game (Secret Rings) is considered part of a “storybook” series, where the games are based off of a storybook. In the Secret Rings, that game was loosely – LOOSELY – based off of the tales of the Arabian Nights (or The Book of One Thousand and One Nights). Perhaps the only historically accurate parts of the game were the names of the characters.

    The Black Knight is considered part of this storybook series as well. If that is so, then none of the characters will retain their original names. Instead, besides Sonic being the outsider of the book, the characters will more than probably inherit the names of the characters they were assigned to role-play.

    tl;dr Amy isn’t Amy. Amy is the Lady of the Lake. Says so in the article, too.

  12. i dunno if Blaze will be joan of arc because i wiki’d joan & it said she was told of in the 1500s, so i think blaze will be guinivere :/

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