To The Sonic Stadium…

To The Sonic Stadium…

It’s been a bit of a mental Christmas at TSS Towers. Despite the fact that I’m too poor to buy many presents this year, I seem to have come into a bit of a windfall of packages from Up North to the Land of Oz. I’ve had gestures of goodwill from AAUK/SEGA, T-Bird, Elson ‘Darkspeeds’ Wong, Jemnezmy, Hawkz, Urtheart and DiscoPonies so I figure I will share with you lot what came in the mail this week.

First, AAUK and SEGA Europe sent us this rather natty card, above. You’ll remember this design as it’s the same one on the promotional advent calendars we received during our trip to playtest Sonic Unleashed. “To The Sonic Stadium, Merry Christmas, From SEGA” it reads. Bless your hearts, guys.

Jemnezmy, my partner in crime, decided to go one higher than ‘awesome’ and make a model of Super Sonic for me. At first I thought the brown rocks were Super Sonic Dung, but was forcefully informed that they were representative of the rocks in Doomsday Zone from Sonic & Knuckles. Then I got a smack upside the head. But look at it, it’s incredible isn’t it? Someone made that. And not just anyone, my girlfriend. I knew there was a reason I was going out with her. Thank you Jem!

Elson, being Australian, wanted to show off and sent us Tim Tam’s. These are chocolate biscuits that you can’t get in the UK, but are apparently very popular Down Under. As you can see, I’ve already helped myself to a few – they look like Penguin bars only they taste… sweeter. Less biscuitty. I don’t know. Elson also sent us a card, and with these Ferrero Rocher he is really spoiling us. Bless his little heart, he also sent us a CD that has photos of his journeys around the world this year, including a bunch of snaps from when he met us all at Summer of Sonic 2008.

Urtheart sent us this rather awesome picture that he made. It’s an image of a bunch of TSS staffers hanging around just generally being cool. It includes Roareye Black with a massive sack, T-Bird with a stack of merch, Violet and her angel wings and me holding a suspicious looking blue egg. Leave me alone, dammit, I’m hatching something! It’s a great picture, thanks Urth.

DiscoPonies took some time off from editing The Sonic Show and got all gifty, and sent us an awesome Sonic the Hedgehog T-Shirt. I love it, and shall wear it until it destroys itself like those Sonic Rush Converses I have/had (RIP). If you fancy yourself one of these as well, they’re available from I know because that’s what was on the package when it was sent to me. Cheers Jay!

I’ve not opened T-Bird’s and Hawkz’s pressies yet as they came wrapped and I’m not allowed to touch them. Otherwise I get a smack upside the head. From Jesus. So instead, let me take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to everyone who sent in stuff via mail or email – everyone who sent Christmas wishes via our Contact Form and other points of contact. We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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Founder of The Sonic Stadium and creator/co-organiser of the Summer of Sonic convention. Loves talking about Sonic the Hedgehog in his spare time. Likes Sonic Colours a little too much for his own good, apparently.