And Here Come The Unleashed Toys

This is quite something – Sega haven’t put this much pump into a Sonic game in a long time. There’s even proper merchandise to be had, with this eBay auction popping up for a Sonic the Werehog action figure. Sold at Toys R’ Us in America for a period of time, these are very hard to find according to the seller. They’re apparently different from the Australian pre-order figures, but we won’t know for sure unless someone does a comparison or two (that’s your challenge, Aussie readers! Get in touch!).

We don’t know if these will ever come to Britain (AAUK has responded with a stinging ‘no’), or anywhere outside of America in fact. At this time there are two separate auctions for about $40. So if you’ve got bottomless pockets and can’t wait for a bit of early Unleashed action, then what better to do then invest in a pristine Werehog?

Sega Sonic Unleashed Sonic the Werehog Figure – eBay

Are we getting a Sonic Unleashed toy line? – SSMB

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Win $20 worth of PSN/XB/Wii Points at SFGHQ

Sonic Fan Games HQ is having its third annual “Sonic Minigame Contest” and is offering a sweet grand prize this time around.  The winner of this year’s contest can choose from either $20 at the PlayStation Network, 1600 Microsoft Points, or 2000 Wii *ahem* I mean…Nintendo Points.  Check out these rules, straight from the source:

  1. Contestant submits one Sonic themed minigame for the contest.
  2. Minigame is defined by a shorter game with simple mechanics, typically inserted into a game to add brief bits of variety.
  3. Sonic examples include snowboarding, the star post bonus stages from Sonic 3&K, or ANY special stage.
  4. Entry may be made using any format as long as it runs on my (or a Judge’s) PC without having to buy anything.
  5. 3 Judges picked from all over the Sonic community.
  6. Open to anyone, but an SFGHQ forum account would be nice.
  7. Prize will be one of the following based on the winner’s choice: $20.00 PSN Card OR 1600 Microsoft Points OR 2000 Wii Points. If winner is unable to use any prize, sorry. If less than 5 entries, the prize will be substituted for something else.
  8. Due to Gmail’s file restrictions, entries will be submitted by yousendit. Optionally AIM file transfer may be used, or just e-mail with a URL. e-mail is ilascottATgmailDOTcom.
  9. Entries due by Noon, December 1, 2008.

That’s right, guys!  Any format!  That means it can be made in flash, Games Factory, Multimedia Fusion, Game Maker, C, anything!  Hop to it, because the contest ends in a month!

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Watch Unleashed’s Opening, Apotos Stage

UPDATE: The spoilsports at Sega seem to have caught wind of the Youtube escapade, as the videos that were featured in this story were taken off shortly after. If you’re looking for a way to view the videos but can handle waiting a million years, Ruliweb have downloadable versions on their website. The last two links in either the HD or SD segment of the page lead to the Sonic Unleashed videos, the other links are other games, we imagine.

It appears someone’s got their hands on review code of Sonic Unleashed early, because there’s a few gameplay videos popping up over Youtube courtesy of “Ruliweb”. The first video, above, shows a cutscene between Sonic and Chip in the Apotos stage, whilst showcasing what the ‘hub’ worlds will look like and even a little bit of main stage action. Chip does sound rather irritating with his sundae fetish, but maybe that’s the point. It’s altogether a pretty charming cutscene, and overall a pretty cool display of Sonic’s character. In the hub world you can talk to various non-playable characters about this and that. You get the option for multiple-choice responses, but as the video quality is pretty poor we can’t tell whether you’ll get any sidequests or anything for doing this.

The Sonic levels still look awesomely impressive. Calls of ‘on-rails’ gameplay may be justified, but if it’s fun and entertaining (and above all, satisfying to play) then does it really matter? It’s no throwback to what made the classics great, but it at least taps the relative success and win that the Sonic Rush series is made of. Basically, it looks like a bowl full of funchips. Also, no loading! We just hope that the ‘EXP’ system doesn’t make the game a chore to play until you level up like in Sonic and the Secret Rings.

There’s more though – Ruliweb kindly captured the introduction cutscene for the game too, which you can download using the link provided above. Trust us though – this opening cutscene is made of a trophy built from the rarest awesome, dug from the farmost mines of win.

Thanks to PeTePoPsS on the SSMB for finding the videos and sharing them!

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Sonic Unleashed Wii & PS2 Back Covers have uploaded the reverse box-art covers of the Wii/PS2 versions of upcoming game Sonic Unleashed. While both versions apparently use the Criware and Havok engines to create the speedy new worlds Sonic will encounter, there is some extra information. The Wii version will support, as controllers, the Wii Remote and Nunchuk, or the Classic/Gamecube Controllers.

For anyone who can’t read the text on these back covers, it reads: “As the sun sets… A new adventure begins!”

  • Sonic at his fastest, super 2D to 3D high-speed action.
  • Explore exciting locations in a world wide race against time.
  • Transform after dark with all new powerful combat skills.

Wii owners should be pleased and can’t complain about controls with such a variety of control schemes available. Regarding the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions, Woolworths haven’t put those back covers up which adds further to the speculation that they will be released later than the Wii/PS2 versions. As soon as those back covers are put up, we’ll post them here for you guys. See how we look after ya?

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