SEGA Nerds interview lead designer of Sonic Chronicles.

SEGA Nerds interview lead designer of Sonic Chronicles.

SEGA Nerds recently updated their gaming blog earlier today with an interview between Nerds official staff member and fellow brit ‘Graham’ and the lead designer of ‘Sonic Chronicles and the Dark Brotherhood’, Miles Holmes.

Included in the post is a very intriguing 15 minute video between the two involving some more talk on the Nerds proudly named ‘Zoah’ race including Bioware’s original name for them, the discussion of a possible Chronicles sequel Bioware has spoken about with SEGA, some talk over the games sub plots along with varying interaction between characters, the absolute confirmation of eleven playable characters in total, minimum gameplay time being 20+ hours and much more.

You can find the video and source of the article at the Nerds website here. A fantastic interview with some both relieving and interesting new information for the fans. If you’re looking forward to this games release just as much as we are you can except to pick it up in stores at launch late next month!

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