Bioware updates Chronicles site and opens YouTube channel

Bioware updates Chronicles site and opens YouTube channel

Bioware the developers behind upcoming Nintendo DS game Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood have updated their Sonic Chronicles site and opened a YouTube channel dedicated to Sonic Chronicles. The main feature in this update is the first episode video in a series of ‘Insider episodes’ bringing new gameplay footage and information on new enemies, characters and more. The first episode is just an update explaining these new insider episodes, more episodes are to come over the next few weeks. So keep your eyes on this site or this YouTube channel for further updates. We’ll also be watching the site for updates 24/7 like rabid fanboys so we’ll also update when an update arrives to keep you updated on further updates. Hope you enjoyed the update, stay tuned for more Sonic updates.

Times used the words update/d/s in total including title and tag: 12

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