Even retailers want Sonic to Brawl

Even retailers want Sonic to Brawl

Before commenting, please read the article thoroughly, as there have been some misunderstandings.

It has long been speculated that Sonic might be in Nintendo’s upcoming fighter Super Smash Bros Brawl. Now, two of North America’s biggest game related retailers, Best Buy and GameStop, haven added even more fuel to the fire, by apparrently including Sonic in their own SSBB ads. Keep in mind that these ads where made by their respective retail companies, and are by NO MEANS a confirmation of Sonic being in the game. This stuff isn’t from Nintendo or SEGA. These ads are very simple cop y and paste affairs using pre-exisiting CGI promotional images from SEGA and Nintendo. Such practices are very common among retailers that make their own ads, and the Wii logo in the ad used below is very commonly used in makeshift (fake) box shots in GameStop ads.

These ads are not supposed to be a confirmation of Sonic’s existance in SSBB, nor are they official images from Nintendo or Sega. These are photoshopped ads using pre-existing CGI images. The first one is using a fan created fake box art, and is being used as place holder box art in several GameStops. The second one was pasted together by Best Buy.

The first one, seen above, was snapped at a New Jersey GameStop, and has been confirmed to be 100% real.

The second one (confirmed by Kotaku) taken out of a Best Buy coupon book from Ontario, Canada. If anyone could confirm or deny this, I will update accordingly.

This is an odd coincidence….two separate retailers from two separate countries using the Sonic in their SSBB ads? Far from a confirmation, but definetly interesting.

Credit goes to Go Nintendo for posting this news.

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Nuckles87 has been an editor at Sonic Stadium since 2007, and has been covering events like E3, PAX, and SDCC since 2010. An avid retro gamer, he runs a monthly stream on Twitch where he explores obscure Sonic oddities, and how aspects of the franchise have evolved over the decades.