Sonic X-Treme prototype released early

Sonic X-Treme prototype released early

If you’ve been paying attention to Sonic News at all, you’ll have noticed this article that we posted not too long ago. It said that a Sonic X-Treme prototype would be released on July 18th, available for anyone to take a look at.

Well, as it turns out, someone attempted to leak it early, and this prompted ASSEMbler to make a formal release earlier on. So, today, July 16th, 2007, the developmental Sonic X-Treme release has finally been shown the light of day!

Download is available by bittorrent here, and a rapidshare mirror has been made of it here.

A big thanks to ASSEMbler for making this public! Enjoy and all that. It isn’t much, admittedly, but come on – what would your friends say if you told them you played an unreleased game? You’d be the top bloke in your group of mates. Or something.

Here’s the download links again, just in case you’re lazy (like me):

Torrent link (via ASSEMblergames forums)
Rapidshare Mirror

NOTE: You’ll need a Sega Saturn emulator to run this. SSF runs it perfectly, but you’ll need a high-end machine to run it well.

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