Sonic 360 revealed by Kikizo Games

Sonic 360 revealed by Kikizo Games

Kikizo Games today posted an interview with Yojiro Ogawa, a Project Director from SEGA Japan. The interview in itself is somewhat interesting, however in the introduction to the interview, Kikizo games lists Sonic 360 as one of Sonic Teams upcoming titles. It has been known Sonic Team have been planning another mystery Sonic title for quite some time now, could this be it?

As this appeared theory have instantly been created, Microsoft next generation of their Xbox console is been believed to be called Xbox 360 by many reliable figures in video game journalism. Along with the title speculation and other bits of evidence has revealed that some game titles themselves will have the 360 suffix appended to them. This falls in place with the first theory that Sonic 360 may be an Xbox 360 exclusive title, also tying in with previous reports quoting SEGA promising a new Sonic game for the upcoming Xbox console.

The next (and somewhat more rational theory) is that this is simply the name of the new Sonic title for the Nintendo DS, not only did Kikizo fail to list it on that page suggesting the game may now be titled differently, but with Nintendo DS touch screen controlling abilities may also tie in with the 360.

Stay with SONIC NEWS for more information as this develops.

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Founder of The Sonic Stadium and creator/co-organiser of the Summer of Sonic convention. Loves talking about Sonic the Hedgehog in his spare time. Likes Sonic Colours a little too much for his own good, apparently.