TSS Compo Winners, New SSMB Skin

Just a quick update, the TSS Competition’s over and done with. Winners have been picked! Congrats to the winners and well done and thanks to all those peeps who have taken part and entered. The response was great, but slightly timid, which could be applied to the amount of effort needed to do to enter – usually something I don’t do, but I thought it’d be fun to do something elaborate, y’know?

Competition 1: Where you had to take pictures of you celebrating TSS one way or another.
Top Prize: Psychobob
Runner-up: Sonic Neo
Booby Prize: Flash2000

Competition 2: The Voice Impression contest.
Top Prize: Melody (Cream)
Runner-up: Flash2000 (Big)
Booby Prize: Adam Riza (Tails/Chaotix) Continue reading TSS Compo Winners, New SSMB Skin

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