TSS UPDATE: SAGE Competition Closed, No Updates ‘Til September

First off, the SAGE Competition is at a close – thanks to everyone who took part. A winner out of the correct answers will be picked randomly from our… little-random-picker-contraption-thing, and you’ll all know who won it on the 10th of this month!

Now onto more important matters. The Sonic Stadium will not be updating much for the next month or two (hopefully, it’ll just be the one month). Why? Well, we’ve been offered new hosting facilities which means that this site will finally get the space we need to give _you_, the fans, what you want from a Sonic the Hedgehog website.

The hosting is coming straight from the kind hearted-ness of none other than Zifei, founder of Sonic HQ no less. While we’re here, extreme ‘thank you’ goes to Zifei for helping us out with this hosting business ^_^. You can now understand our extreme excitement for the coming months.

Because of this, (and the fact that all the files are currently jumbled about on six or so Angelfire servers) we at The Sonic Stadium are working hard to sort out a single directory for all these files, so that when the hosting comes, we’ll be ready to upload straight away. Along with that, expect a much more professional website layout to this one at the moment. You’ll love it, trust us.

Fear not however, all of these old pages will still be open (apart from the files we had to delete to keep on good terms with Angelfire – those files’ll be back up September-time), so you can still visit this place until we are finished uploading to the new server. Choice. We’ll still update little things – i.e. Winner of the SAGE competition ^_-

Good luck everyone, and we’ll see you in a month or so – enjoy the site until then!

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Founder of The Sonic Stadium and creator/co-organiser of the Summer of Sonic convention. Loves talking about Sonic the Hedgehog in his spare time. Likes Sonic Colours a little too much for his own good, apparently.