Registrations for SAGE 5 Event Opens

That’s right, it’s that time again! It only feels like yesterday that SAGE 4 – the first of two Sonic Amateur Games Expos in 2002 – ended, but today show organiser LuckettX has announced open registrations for the next online event. The next show is due to launch on 16 September.

“SAGE is fast approaching and now’s the time to get your entries in,” LuckettX writes in a statement on TSSZ. “But hold it right there, you feisty younger whipper-snappers, this year the registration involves a bit more than just the name of your booth and link. This year… you have to put effort into your registration!”

The new registration process involves three steps. The first step has fan game developers sending the usual details – Team Name, Fan Game details, Descriptions, links to booths. Step Two requires registrants to send in a banner ad for their booth, and the final step asks for a ‘promo item’ to be created.

Promo items are described as “a singular item of interest, related to your team or game. It could be a little statue, or a pie, as long as it’s original and groovy.” As well as an item, booth owners must provide a description of the item as well. As for the purpose of the items, all will apparently be revealed when SAGE starts on 16 September.

If you have a cool fan game and want to take part in SAGE 5, be sure to send your entries in to LuckettX – and also tell The Sonic Stadium about it so we can cover it!

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Founder of The Sonic Stadium and creator/co-organiser of the Summer of Sonic convention. Loves talking about Sonic the Hedgehog in his spare time. Likes Sonic Colours a little too much for his own good, apparently.