Dreadknux’s Diaries: The New Look (Again) – Only the Fans Choose…

Many a good thing has happened this month – first off, Sega Sonic Radio has officially become a member of the ‘Zone Rado Network, from Emulation Zone no less. Everyone seems to be enjoying voting for their fave Sonic site in the Sonic Site Awards, and as Christmas approaches, so does the final verdict, and the special awards ceremony.

I decided to change the look of the Sonic Stadium (yes, again) for the better, after accidently creating a kick ass Sonic and Shadow silhouette background. I made two versions of the Sonic Stadium’s main page and asked you ‘orrible lot which one you liked best. You guys voted for the double Navigaton bars, which is what its gonna be from now on. I also decided to lay off the speeches, I’ll save them for in here from now on.

Plus, Neon Chaos, webmaster of Shadow Of A Hedgehog no less, and I have been in talks to create a mock hybrid of both the Stadium and SOAH for the new year. Sound like fun? It sure does, and what’s more, if you fans out there love the new team up between us two, the site’ll stay up!

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Founder of The Sonic Stadium and creator/co-organiser of the Summer of Sonic convention. Loves talking about Sonic the Hedgehog in his spare time. Likes Sonic Colours a little too much for his own good, apparently.