Sonic Characters – Did You Know Voice Acting? feat. Kirbopher

Did you know these interesting voice acting facts? For those fans who always enjoy a good piece of trivia or two on Sonic the Hedgehog, for those who’ve always been fascinated by the VA business to some degree, or for those braggarts who want to come across as more knowledgeable towards their peers, have I got just the thing!

Did You Know Voice Acting? is a series of short videos crafted by TOME: Terrain of Magical Expertise producer Chris “Kirbopher” Niosi, providing some level of insight on all things voice acting in the gaming and animation industry. Each episode caters to a specific franchise in mind, such as Cartoon Network, Dragon Ball, and, for today’s topic, Sonic.

Curious to see what you’ve already known about the Sonic voice cast, past and present, or fascinated by the prospect of finding out tidbits of info you don’t already know? Watch on below!


With that, don’t forget to head on to Sonic Characters – Part 2 and the recently released Part 3 for more info! If these have whet your appetite, might I suggest going through the series itself?

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