“Yardley Working” Contest Winners Announced!

Hey folks! Jason Here.

Well, the contest has been over for a week now and to help build suspense I’ve delayed up till now before telling you the winners of this fine art contest. It had absolutely nothing to do with me being too lazy and playing too much Goldeneye and Rock Band 3 to be bothered putting this up. Honest! All entries were looked over and judged by yours truly.

Anyhoo, for each category I’ll be showing the winners and the runner ups. What do the runner ups get? The knowledge that if that jerk hadn’t entered the contest too, they’d be the winner! Each winner must PM me your address so I can mail your art out to you. The winning art should be sent out by the end of the month. (Hey, it’s Christmas time folks. I ain’t makin’ any promises here.)

Now, onto the victors!!

Category 1: Shades Fan Art (Prizes = Page 13 of Sonic Eggs issue 2 and Knuckles art by Spaz)

prize 1

Winner – Smash
Shades fan art

Most of my Shades fan art came with him in Vanilla’s dress. I guess people like seeing him that way. This made me laugh as I wondered why Cheese was so ticked off at him.

Runner Up – Super Sonikku

Shades Art

What looks cute and cuddly to others looks scary to Shades.

Category 2 : Funny Fan Art (Prizes = The two pages that make page 11 and a page from Sonic X )

Prize 2

Winner – Nemain

Funny art

Rouge learns the nightmare of cosplay.

Runner Up – Rabbid A

Funny Art 2

Rabbid A gives us this rendition of a not so happy Sonic being forced into Shades dress up party.

Category 3: Writing Contest (Prizes = Page 14 and a page of Ron Lim art from a Knuckles comic)

Prize 3

Winner – Mimi

Writing Contest

Mimi won with her last minute comic. Very funny stuff.

Runner Up – Fairfieldfencer

This one’s for the comic book fans. May make it into an Egg Whites!

My entry for Category 3, based on the opening page of SU: #21.

Panel One: Same as SU: #21:

Panel Two: Visually the same as SU: #21 with different dialogue.

Zone Cop Ship: Dr. Nega! This is Nurse Ratchet of the video game villain asylum! Nurse Clank is at the gun and will not hold back!

Panel Three: Visually the same. Different dialogue.

Dr. Nega: I’LL NEVER GO BACK!!!!!

Panel Four: Exactly the same as SU: #21.

Panel Five: The two ships fly opposite each other and the Zone Cop Ship is panicked as it looks down at the fallen capsule that has dropped in a pond and has fizzled out of existance.

Zone Cop Ship: Darn it! His scheme succeeded!

Panel Six: Inside Dr. Nega’s ship. Nega is sweating and wiping his forehead with a relieved smile.

Dr. Nega: Phew! There was no way I was taking that suppository!

Congratulations to all the winners!! To the runner ups, ooooh! So close!

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