Yesterday Sega announced that the PC version of Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed would include several new characters such as Shogun & Team Fortress 2. To accompany this, Sega have also released several screenshots and new character artwork.
If you fancy taking a look at the screens and media, be sure to check out the images after the break
Continue reading Check Out These New Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed PC Screens
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According to a report from GoNintendo, SEGA will be holding a press event in just a few weeks time. The above image is of a list of known games and developers that will be at the event, including Super Monkey Ball 3D, Virtua Tennis 4, Conduit 2, Total War: Shogun 2 and Yakuza 4. No further details about this event are currently available, but as soon as we find out more we’ll let you know. If you hear any more information, drop us a line at thesonicstadium@googlemail.com and we’ll credit you for the find.
With Sonic’s 20th Anniversary this year, could SEGA be planning to announce a new Sonic game? According to SEGA Europe’s Alan Pritchard, two Sonic announcements are going to be made in the early part of this year, so this event would fit that timing perfectly.
Source: GoNintendo
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