The Sonic List: Defending the Less Loved Characters

Even Sonic can't stand some of them.
Even Sonic can’t stand some of them.

The Friday Five is gone. Welcome to the Sonic list! Why the change? Well, for one, I was unintentionally stepping on the toes of one of my co-workers at Segabits who has one of their own top five lists on Fridays. Also, I wanted to not limit myself to exactly five at any time. I realized as I was thinking of some topics that I had up to 8 and as little as 3 subjects on some lists. Also, while I’m still planning to be Bi-Weekly, I don’t have to update on a certain day. Anyway, onto the topic for this week.

“Sonic’s shi**y friends” they’re called. Characters that have not only annoyed some, but have single-handedly made a game WORSE with their presence. Some, only liked by the most die-hard of fans were hated the moment they were introduced. They’re annoying, they bring nothing to the franchise and they have no reason to exist.

Or do they?

I want to give you more die-hard fans some fuel for the characters I feel get a little too much disrespect. Yes, I’ll start by why I feel they’re disliked by others, but I also want to show why you should give them a chance. To slightly misquote Charlie Brown “It’s not such a bad little character, it just needs some tender loving care.” Or was that Linus? I forget. Who cares? Let’s get on with it!

Continue reading The Sonic List: Defending the Less Loved Characters

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