A hawk-eyed TSS reader has informed us about “Sonic’s Ultimate Genesis Collection” (highlighted), which is listed in Gamestop’s latest release schedule. Priced at $29.99 for the PS3 and Xbox 360 and due for release on the 10th February 2009, it appears SEGA haven’t yet given up on providing all of Sonic’s classics to current consumers. It makes sense – with half the community bitching about how much better the Mega Drive games were (which I can’t say doesn’t hold merit) it seems wise to let new gamers experience the hedgehog’s glory days. For fans, it opens up a whole new world of speculation — will SEGA provide loads of meaty bonus content ala Sonic Jam this time? Will players actually be able to play Chaotix without locating a 32X? What the heck does that mean for those that purchased Sonic 1 and 2 from Xbox Live Arcade?
Before we all go jumping the gun though, it’s important to note that SEGA haven’t officially announced such a title. Having said that, retailer’s secret schedules are regularly a source for getting to know of new projects ahead of time. Jot this down in your Sonic filofaxes as a ‘rumour’ for now. Many thanks to our anonymous tipster who sent this in – top stuff.
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According to GameStop, Sonic Unleashed will be coming to the Wii, PS2, Xbox 360, and PS3 on November 4th, 2008. The prices vary from SKU to SKU, but the PS2 version will be selling for the budget price of $30, while the Wii and PS3/360 versions will be going for the standard $50/$60 price tag respectivey.
GameStop can often be a source for new info on upcoming games, with prices, release dates, names, and platforms for upcoming games often leaked months before the publisher officially announces the info. They where the ones who leaked Samba De Amigo Wii early, among other games. While their track record is very solid, any info from them should still be regarded as speculation and rumor, until officially confirmed by SEGA.
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Well everyone, I’ve just gotten home from GameStop, and I have some fine news for fans of Sonic Team’s critically acclaimed Dreamcast game “Samba De Amigo”. GameStop has the game listed for the Wii, with a release date of Febuary 6th, 2008 at an MSRP of $50. The game was simply listed as “Samba De Amigo”, without any numbers or subtitles in the name, so it’s unknown whether this game is a sequel or a remake of the Dreamcast games.
Keep in mind, this is far from a confirmation, although we have been having a lot of luck with early retail listings lately.Rumor Reporter from Advanced Media, hinted that a Samba game was in development for the Wii back in April. I didn’t report it because I was unsure of his legitmacy, but if this rumor turns out to be true, expect him to be in more Sonic Team related rumor in the future. Continue reading Samba De Amigo listed in GameStop database
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The rumors and tidbits have been coming in fast this week with all kinds of pre E3 speculation and believed leaks. The newest obscurity to be found is a page on GameStop for an upcoming Sonic game on the PSP, with little details other than likely to be wrong release date and price. The speculated release date is the first of November this year, its accuracy is yet to proven however.
Interestingly enough, the game is listed as an Action/Adventure/Racing game, could the recent Sonic R Extreme rumors actually be true? We’ll let you decide on that one until further information is released.
Special thanks to Hogfather at SSMB for posting the link. Be sure to stay with SONIC NEWS for future developments in this story.
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4 days ago, forum member Spinos infomed us that the title Sonic R EXTREME had been added to Game Crazy’s release list. Yesterday he returned with photographic proof which was promptly e-mailed to SEGA for inspection. The photographs can be viewed under the media links.
SEGA replied to us, and informed us that it was all, in fact, simply an error. They told us that no such game exists, and that both they and GC will be working together the remove the misinformation from their release schedules.
That pretty much closes the lid on this one. SEGA is, after all, the authority on this case, so any further rumour spreading is pointless. The game has not been in any way officially announced, so Sonic News will no longer cover speculation or rumours on it.
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Sonic News has been tipped off by an employee of Game Crazy and forum member Spinos that Game Crazy’s release dates have been updated – including the new Sonic game, titled “Sonic R EXTREME”.
The date has been set at Q1 2006 (first quater – January, February, March) and is said to be on all platforms, but no other details were available. If this information is true, then we can expect a sequel to the SEGA Saturn/PC racing game which involved Sonic and friends racing each other in 3D environments.
Game Crazy have yet to update their website with any information, however, Spinos recommends asking at your local store for more details. If anyone in America gets an opportunity to confirm this information, then please contact SN immediately.
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