Holy shit… yes. Just in time for the Needlemouse hype (and Christmas), nerd-clothing outlet, Shark Robot, has put up a listing for a “Sonic Sprite Symbol” t-shirt. This black shirt features Sonic’s head, completely made up of frames in Sonic’s run animation from the Genesis games.
The shirts runs at an affordable $17.95 plus shipping.
Head on over to Shark Robot to buy this radness, foo’.
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Ever faffed about with those LEGO building blocks when you were a kid? Did you find yourself creating crappy, contorted (yellow) versions of cartoon characters and super heroes you saw on the TV? Well, now that you’re a teenager with nothing better to do (or an adult with nothing better to do, except your job), you can revisit those powerful Danish bricks of creation and make your very own Sonic the Hedgehog!
Gaming blog Kotaku has an excellent post on how to grab a computer game character sprite, size it up for LEGO-ssimilation, and glue your masterpiece together so you can hang it on your wall. The example they use here is, funnily enough, Sonic the Hedgehog, albeit a squishy one that we may take to the gym to get straightened out a bit. If you have kids, it’s also a great way to bond with the little critters. Or, if you’re having a turbulent relationship, create with your wife for some awesome divorce-repellant building fun. LEGO heals all wounds.
How To Make A Pixel Sonic Out of LEGO (And Bond With Your Kids) – Kotaku (thanks, 3thmthm!)
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